Heather Lewis

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Apr 22 at 05:48 PM

Thank y'all. Everything rings so true! I floated through my roof about 25 years ago, I'm in a beam of energy floating upwards, I look up and 3 beautiful beings are looking down at me. They were 3 different heights, all very tall, lean, clay red skin, huge heads ( they had what looked like a rib cage around their brain but it was covered in skin), their eyes were absolutely beautiful almost like swirling rainbows of color, I knew when I looked in their eyes that they were peaceful and I was safe. They had me take a test with pencil and paper, I wish I had immediately wrote down the dream because initially I did remember some of the questions. They also had me play a video game, like an old school stand up arcade game. I always thought they were loving beings. Thanks so much for affirming this for me. Much Love to you and yours. I have very vivid dreams, some where I'm in the room looking down on myself, once my soul flew out the window etc..
