Sheena Anne Wody

Pennsylvania Furnace, PA, United States

Jun 22 at 01:26 AM

Taygeta Nguyen oh dear. This is bad. This is very bad.

Jun 22 at 01:25 AM

kerryann gunning may we have a private chat please?

Jun 11 at 01:27 AM

Nicely said. Very lovely indeed.

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Jun 10 at 08:52 PM

Gina Rhoades o mean we also have to understand that they must feel very nervous also. We should take into consideration the amount of pressure it would put on any living being knowing that much and almost like having our fate in their hands in a way but not exactly. Chosing to live in secrecy for our protection and their own. A very selfless act indeed. Like they are the superheroes trying to teach us humans how to become superheroes basically. And ultimately it's all on us. Not them. Even though they are us and we are them.

Jun 10 at 01:02 PM

Let's try to be nicer to eachother for one... just a thought.

Jun 10 at 12:57 PM

I'm sorry JON WEST but let's try to make some sense of what you are saying and feeling. Through your poetry, I can see that your anxiety is coming from your constant search of approval from anyone. If you know you are gifted, a little broken, confused, then use those things as motivation to change them so you can break free the chains of your own mind. OXOX and then, and only then can you figure out who you truly are and what your purpose in this life and body is. I hope I helped a little. TLS cannot and will not reveal themselves to us because we are all still "a little too broken". So if ee want to know them personally. We must fix ourselves first in order to be able to even communicate with them properly and receive and understand the information they are giving us.

Jun 10 at 12:53 PM

In my opinion JON, you are THINKING wayyy too much honey. You need to slow down. You like to write poetry? What atmosphere are you in? Try changing it. Try going outside barefoot with your feet planted firmly on the ground and focus on your body and your surroundings using your senses of touch, sound, taste, and smell. that's called grounding. Also there is something called a body scan. These are some of .y personal tools as I am also an artist. And racing thoughts are an artists worst enemy. OXOX

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Jun 10 at 12:48 PM

Hello Jess! I am also interested in one topic. The damned medication. I want to get off of it. And my son also on alot. But I have noticed that without them the issues increase. So the medication absolutely helps. BUT, the negatives definately outweigh the positives in that situation.

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Jun 10 at 12:46 PM

Honestly, it is hard to really know for sure as we have the whole calender screwed up. Haha maybe once we get that right we can find out. I'm a Gemini for sure. Raised by a Libra. So I do believe in astrology if it is correct.

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Jun 10 at 12:44 PM

Melissa, easy girl easy. LOL. there are other ways of getting your message through without being rude back sweety. Please do not take offense. But it is a divine truth. Lol. Love ya!