Derrick Graham

Jul 13 at 12:55 PM


You all are doing great work!!! I know not everyone agrees with everything but as long as they have a chance to become aware than they have a chance to see the world for what it truly is. I’m fairly new in my spiritual journey and awakening but I feel I grow every single day. My brothers soul I believe lead me to find him and that makes me feel good. I just am not sure if I’m supposed to find out exactly what happened because it might hurt me more than help. I guess that’s not up to me. Keep doing what you’re doing and let’s change this world one person at a time! I know that’s what my brother would want!!! Thank you


Jul 13 at 11:31 AM

Thank you! I just hope more people truly believe that something very strange is going on here and try to make sense of it all. We have to grow as one in awareness and love. That’s why I shared my story.


Jul 13 at 10:46 AM

This was wild. I have been wondering for a good while now if there were any cases similar to that of my twin brothers. He went missing in 2020. The only difference is that it was not in a very remote location. It was in Chesterfield Virginia and he was not hunting. He knew something was going to happen to him. He even called the police the night he went missing. He ran out of the house and ran into the woods while talking to a 911 operator. They said all they could hear was him running and brushing up against tree branches. Fast forward to almost 3 years later, they had searched the area roughly 3 times because they knew where his phone was last pinned! With no luck of finding him. I was away the time so couldn’t search myself but as soon as I could. I went to the same area where he was last known to be and I found his remains! He was by water, the dogs couldn’t smell him, they couldn’t find any clothes or anything else. It all fits this criteria! I’m still at loss for words how something like this is possible! His name was Cody Graham. He was 37 years old. We may never know what happened but if I can have the chance to help anyone else not have to go through this in anyway I’m here!!!!!

Jul 11 at 09:21 AM

Jason I am so glad you showed that emotion! We as men our programmed pretty much from birth that showing those emotions makes you less than or weak. I’m here to say that this is what our world needs today. This is coming from a man who has been in bad places where men have always projected those beliefs all the time. I’ve never fully understood how we as a collective gotten here. Love, sadness, and joy should all bring up these reactions! And yet we have been molded over time to stiffen these emotions, for the thoughts of others. When really everyone needs to be connected with their feelings. I am so glad you chose to share that moment! Ego is a powerful thing. I have had a lot of similar experiences as what you’ve described. I have had multiple injuries dealing with my left side. Fractured wrist, broken collarbone, staff infection, dislocated shoulder over 10 times. I share this because I also believe it has to do with my feminine side. Maybe dealing with my mom and grandma. I have always felt a strong connection with family but it broke up as well. I had a twin brother that went missing in 2020 while I was incarcerated and wasn’t found until I came home and found his remains! I just wish he could’ve had a chance to see this truth. So I say all this just to inform you that this is what the world needs more of. Let’s never hold back


Jul 10 at 10:07 PM

Well Melissa I feel the same way you do. I live in Virginia but if you ever would like to chat we could start a conversation and who knows if more feel the same

Jul 10 at 09:57 PM

I grew up a Christian! Let me try to explain how I judge if something is good or not and I understand the Bible says we will be deceived. Now first, how much research have you done on the culture back when the Bible was written or how deep have you truly studied the scriptures? That’s important. Now, can anyone tell me that you can feel the love in the churches today? Do you not feel judged by members? Well I was always in the opinion that God and his son are love!!! Are churches doing all they can to spread that love? Answer the question honestly! Paul in the Bible did all his work with love he wouldn’t take money for his work if he thought it would cause someone to think differently of God! Look at most pastors and preachers in the world today. They have huge houses and expensive vehicles! Why do we have to divide because what certain religions say they believe is right? I don’t believe God would want that. Let’s stop arguing about these things and concentrate on loving others and really putting in the work to find the truth


Jul 10 at 09:35 PM

Jason I couldn’t have said it better. This is where we are at in this time of our world. Most of us are stuck in the mindset of that we can’t make change on our own. Why is it so hard to see that if more and more of us just focus on becoming more aware and helping others than we can move forward much faster. TLS is a great secret group but we don’t have to put a name to who we can be. Let’s wake up world. Stop division, stop judging, stop seeking validation or power, connect with others that can help the world grow in awareness! Please let’s use common sense and common ground to make our own TLS!!!!! Then if you want I’m pretty sure they will want to work with you. They have to see your sincere and not just wanting to go on a self seeking mission! We all have a purpose and when you find it you will know!


Jul 10 at 09:11 PM

In my opinion, we Americans should be furious at our government! Lie after lie. We think that we are voting people in that have our best interests in mind. But don’t we get it yet, they only care about themselves in the power they believe they hold. What they don’t know is that the truth can’t be hidden forever. It always comes to light. They are hiding it for a reason. Don’t be surprised when we find out how deep it truly goes. We just have to continue growing in awareness and in numbers. That’s how we get the truth.


Commented on The ANTIDOTE

Jul 10 at 10:45 AM

I have something to share that most people aren’t aware of. I was in the Virginia prison system during the beginning of the pandemic. Yes I have been fighting demons my entire life but I have come along ways over the past 2 years. While in there, the prison system made the inmates get the vaccine or you were placed in solitary confinement. We all know what that does to humans!!!! There are many different agendas I believe in my opinion that they place on the prison systems first in order to see how it will work out on a smaller scale! We cannot forget about that part of our society. Yes they have made bad decisions in their life but many of those men and women are part of our family or friends. They also don’t have access to pure water or any real sources of good food. It’s all processed. That’s why if you were to do the research for what the percentage is for diseases like colon and prostate cancer they would be much higher than those that have a choice of what they drink and eat. Please just think about those people and bring more awareness to this situation. Thanks to all of you


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 07 at 09:09 AM

For anyone whom may be second guessing if Ray is not real just look at some of Jason’s lives and when he speaks about Ray you can see he has high feelings towards him. He is not trying to trick any of us. Everyone is just so lazy and stuck in their ways. I grew up a Christian and believed with all my heart it was all truth but let’s all use common sense for one minute the Bible was written way after so many religions. Do you really think God would pick a time to say now it’s time to release the truth? Now don’t get me wrong there are a lot of things that you can learn from the Bible. Just look at the division religion has brought. God is all about oneness not division!!! Just try to concentrate on love!
