Derrick Graham


Jul 16 at 08:12 AM

Why do we put so much time and energy into politics???? We know we will not change what the outcome will be! In my opinion we need to concentrate on what’s truly important. Love, unity, connection to spirituality, etc! Please I know it’s hard. We want some sort of control. That’s our egos. Let what will be, be and begin today with loving yourself and by doing that you will learn to love your neighbors. Let’s not dwell on what separates but what connects. Even on this site that is built on unity I see so much division! Why has it become so hard for us to just see this????? Start today this is my wish



Jul 14 at 12:31 AM

What is going on here come on people. It’s getting close to time for us to need each other! Let’s focus on bringing humanity together and how we can do that!!! Please stop with all the nonsense


Jun 24 at 07:27 PM

Start with change today!!! Let’s bring awareness to the world.


Jun 24 at 07:26 PM

More scare tactics from the media!!!
Let’s try our best to be aware