Derrick Graham

Aug 19 at 09:37 AM

Hello Angela!

Aug 15 at 09:01 PM

I like the painting!!!

Aug 15 at 12:08 PM


Aug 13 at 04:18 PM

Thank you for your words. Yes many of us are going through trials in order to grow and become ready for the challenges that are in store!! We need all the inspiration we can get


Commented on She loves to play

Aug 13 at 04:00 PM

Yeah, the little one is mine and the other one is my moms. Thanks. Her name is CJ it was my twin brothers initials.


Aug 13 at 12:46 PM


She loves to play


Aug 13 at 12:36 PM

Thank you everyone for your kind words! I’m sure my brother is happy that others have noticed his life mattered!

Commented on 🥰

Aug 13 at 08:23 AM

Yours too!

Aug 13 at 05:39 AM

Isn’t that the truth


Aug 12 at 06:18 PM

Yeah just have to wait until their ready
