Jazz Foxx

there's no such thing as a coincidence

Commented on post was deleted

Jul 13 at 07:43 PM

Are you ok??. Reach out if needed

Jul 05 at 01:15 AM

Ray I'm going to question you here. You mentioned your past life incarnation, your wives was named Gamma. That's a mind control word... so are you being controlled without realising, or are you controlling us.. that name is very specific. So I'm going to challenge you.. find me

Jul 03 at 04:10 AM

RAY... please find me.. please. I know. . You'll know. . .

Jul 01 at 01:30 AM

nu3no exactly. You write your 3 6 and 9 multiplication tables... add the answers and look at the pattern. You get 3 6 and 9.

Jul 01 at 01:28 AM

18 is 1+8 =9 the number that comes before the divine. Every mathematical equation can can be divisible by the number 9. It's the master number of numbers. I know so much of what Ray talks about and connected to it before I even came across him or heard any of this. Including how the pyramids were built. Where is someone like this when I need them to help collect the scattered fragments of memory..

Jul 01 at 01:23 AM

Ray come find me. You'll know why

Jul 01 at 01:13 AM

Ray, come find me.

Commented on DISCLOSURE

Jun 27 at 08:18 PM

I'd like someone to ask Ray, who puts the implants into women when they get taken? And for what purpose. Right into the spine.. The people in white suits around an operating table.  Who are they? And what is their agenda?