Matthew LaMacchia

Commented on DISCLOSURE 6

Sep 19 at 09:03 AM

Hitler Created the Holocaust. Killed Millions . I took pain pills after my Back Surgery and Watched watched Movies. Doesn't seem Right... I was just basing reality on my Kigndom inside. The world is Harder on us then Hilter and his Wife Brown. Facts

Commented on DISCLOSURE 5

Sep 14 at 01:30 PM

I thought the Jews would have been finished brameing men for how America drives their Minds Pride. Appartnly not Christ doesn’t burn people but their Son does and the Jews are still using God so the women don’t have to be held accountable for how they drive a person. Oh well it’s not our Problem and no I’m not a women Hater. I just don’t like the Baphamet. It doesn’t know how to held accountable how it treats people inside and out.👍

Sep 14 at 11:47 AM

We’re going to start working for a persons Pride and when he refuses to pay then we will sue them. That’s how there screwing people today. I didn’t ask for service or part of the beast trade and I got sued by a dark Wizard that never worked for me just to cover his Pride for more time. That is why we are no longer scared of Jewish Judgement. I didn’t have a Pride Business or ask to be beast served. So hear is our Dilema we’re doing what we want in Christ and they can’t stop us. We don’t need phones or service. Thank you Ray for speaking up we are as well


Sep 14 at 10:59 AM

It’s because Men used to trade their daughters for land and grain to the Lords. Sons of God( Royals) daughters were seen as commerce…

Sep 14 at 10:30 AM

Hi Amanda Starseedweedpuller Payne you should switch it to ASP…. Sounds tribal. We should take everything with a Grain of Salt. That’s the whole Purpose they want the Steak Welldone. I just added the A-1. 👍

Sep 13 at 04:45 PM

When you realize we Hebrews begin to find peace they always through us in Babylon and then we’re forced to sit as Oposite of a War God… Hence Rome and Jews… That’s why the Son of Man came kicking over tables setting creatures cause it’s an abomination to Pan a person as an animal for Money. It’s Amazing Jason and Ray when you look at History soon as the Hebrews begin to find peace they are attacked Hence Hitler to feed off our Hearts. That’s why we made an example out of the Gov. did you get your Kid Food…Facts… The hebrews are not the Vampires…Energy and Blood…

Sep 13 at 04:28 PM

It’s Crazy how the Roman Jews have to Smoke others as Pride to cover their Pride like a Coat because there Heartless to cover their Bed and Money. Why don’t they go through the Program. Roman-Jews are Military and Money… all for a price of Course Right. I wonder how their Famalies would deal with going through the program. We don’t need to smoke others up as Pride smoke, we have hearts and we can make Money without the Bedroom. I AM not a Gov Whore… Glad we got you out Kathy🙏

Sep 07 at 07:12 AM

Like Totally Aaron, you should have seen Silicon Valley in the Pladiends. Its like OMG.... There so faciests... This video really made me Laugh Aaron.... Thank you for the smileys.

Sep 05 at 06:41 PM

I can't stop laughing the Cabal thinks they can ride our Brains to cover their Whores. But we don't see like Beasts. Its very Funny...

Replied on TLS Update

Sep 04 at 01:08 PM

R I apologize for the miss spelling of words. The English language defenitly leads you to the darker side with a Hint of Sexual Persepctive. They need their Beast sacrifice because he kicked over the Change tables and set the Beast free... We stay out of the perspective.