Matthew LaMacchia

Replied on TLS Update

Sep 04 at 01:05 PM

R Look at all the Apostles every time some one stands up with the King. The Wizards ... Pharisees hand them over to the Romans so they can keep using their Ass for Money and Power. All of them but John they sent him to an island to die . Its facts. See my point So we learned from History...

Sep 02 at 08:38 PM

Jason your ears look Plastic it's probably because of the lighting... They look big I compared them to the other Disclousres and there the same. And by no means am I makeing fun of them.

Commented on TLS Update

Sep 01 at 09:22 AM

Being a Hebrews bring to Great Commandments. How to law and Govern your Body and how to treat your Neigjbor. Not all Hebrews are Jews who study Judism and Zionisism. Nor do we live in Isreal nor have we been taught the Jewish Role. We went to Hide even from the Jews they Crucified their King with the Hands of the Romans. Before you Judge who is or isn't a Hebrew Ray. Remember the Histories please. Be blessed....Get used to Different....

Replied on TLS Update

Sep 01 at 09:17 AM

lyra pure lioness I understand what your saying. We are all out under a microscope if we open up our Mouths. I am confused your words seemed speratic. I know you know what your saying and it makes sense to you. But it doesn't make sense to us. When your asking for Help. You need to be clear and percise or people cant help you. I hope your doing better this post was a year ago. Blessing and Prayers....

Replied on TLS Update

Sep 01 at 09:13 AM

lyra pure lioness What part of your life is impossible. Finances, Family and Friends. The state of the World. What part of your life are you talking about?

Aug 30 at 04:39 PM

No doubt , wait until here about what they put in medicines. Even if they claim it's part of some play it's supposed to be this way cause God has a Plan. I don't beleive that. Our food and Water has been poisoned. If we all remain passive it's slaughter to the sheep but if we stand up then we are seen as to Prideful. Sacrifing us to a Lust and Pride Creature. Christ called those Change tables an abomination. They really are scares they know it's comeing and there going to be punished according to their Works on Mankind.

Aug 30 at 04:32 PM

Another Man tired of the Cabel... Im starting to see it come in fruition... People actually takeing a Stand. I truley beleive we can make a Change this time. We are tired of that Bull and Bear trade.

Commented on Watch The Water II

Aug 30 at 06:54 AM

Here is my problem with the Whole situation. The fact that the people are led to this kind of slaughter. They are partying and drinking. While destroying the Body which has clearly been identified as God. The Body of Christ. So either there is no God, or someone has to stand up and stop it. Its only a Multiple Choice Question. The Cultand Occult are actually not that Smart. That's why God gave them a multipleChoice Question because there Retarded for killing the Body for Profit.🤷‍♂️ It doesn't matter if you Dr are Holy , your still slaughtering someone else's Body for Profit and it deviods the Second Greatest Commandment. Love your Neighbor as yourself , don't destroy his house and then poison him for a Dollar. That's why we don't have change for Hollywood and the Dr.s. Reversr that with your Kabalah art and drop it on our Heads. You can't we didn't kill our Neigjbor or Poison there Bodies for a Profit

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Aug 29 at 08:39 PM

Hollywood is complete garbage though. They threatened my , my bedroom and my money and my mothers business unless I gave my head up for the TV. So don't tell me those Baphamet American Jews are good. Cause those Peds are not... FACT. So I'm supposed to give up my head to Hollywood so my heart smokes for their Art-fical lie.... EXACTLY those demons are not good.

Ray was saying in His New Video , that we are not punished by the spirit side. Here is the problem I'm dealing with maybe you can help. My family owns a business and I help my Mother Run it. I was targeted by th Cabal like a Patsy. Unless I give my heart and Energy up for their Cabal. Are business has been slow. This was spiritual also plain to my face. I refused to call the Beast so they hurt our Business. What would you do with the Jason and Ray. My heart tells me to Pray stay myself I won't sell my body to cover a Whore. But my Brain wants to take them off the face of the earth so they are out of my way. I don't see like a Baphmemet Knight. Any suggestion? We would never work for the Good of Gods that force people to sell out by hurting their lives to feed of their Good Hearts. They are a Joke to Creation. That's why we made fun of the Jesters🤷‍♂️