Matthew LaMacchia

Jul 19 at 05:01 PM

You can help heal people on the oitside but fighting them in the inside in the heartspace. As above so below your spirit energy should be matching your words in vise versa. You can't trick someone as your helping them and then siphoning off their spirit. I think majority of people don't see when they do that. It has to be genuine and from the heart. For example it's like those Superficial People who look Great on the outside but inside their ravaging wolves. Envious, Jelousy, covetness and they own 20 Bentlys because their Jelous of the person Charisma and people skills. My point is I don't see that with Jason's Group. Which is amazing he doesn't seed the accuser. Grateful for his healing Centers. You can't ascend Physically while munching someone spirit inside , Karma always catches up to you. I have been guilty myself of playing that inside Game becoming pissed dealing target by someone esle's envy and Jelousy. Defenatly guilty of feeling like I have to defend myself or put a stop to it but both ways just feed the fire on you and keep it going. There is a been a few other groups who claim to be spiritual intelligent who had to fight with inside and who has tried to harvest my good even before I could get involved with them. Which is Sad I won't same Names. I am Grateful for Unifyd . It brings comfort knowing Jason main goal is to help heal people with all.his Centers. Thank you Jason and Team and Ray...

Jul 19 at 04:11 PM

It is hard working with trauma in people. It's hard to center your balance and energize...when your dealing with someone who has alot of trauma. Your energize can only become balanced when they are. That's how I know we all can be connected and vibrate as one. If someone is Comeing down on you because of their past tramuas. You have four choices two are Good to are Bad. You can become defensive which puts you in a negatives state or you can attack which is also a negative state. This Creates Chaos and makes things unstable. Your two good Choices are you can help that person help themselves to believe in themselves or you can walk away and save yourself before they hurt you and them. You can Bluetooth someones brain to match brain frequencies to get them to come out. That's another book though, you can become trapped in there frequency's unless you know how to get out if it doesn't work. I'm glad to see Jason wants to help fighting solves Nothing, we all have to fight I know you understand what I'm saying. That's how I know he's on the Good side. Haveing a Bluetooth brain is something you can't learn no matter the Knowledge in books. It's a gift given to certain bodies and Characters. Thank you for all your work Jason.🙏🫀 I don't need Tech either...

Commented on Closure: Part Two

Jul 19 at 02:32 PM

One thing that help me break free from the fear of their programming. They are tricking the ones down low as the women have Men spirits and the men are a Women. Hence the Whore of Babylon is a Man who rides a Beast which they perceive as a Women. When I realized that was not my Hollywood World and I broke free of that False Narritve of Mother Earth and Son control. My Manifestation came back and I was free of those Chains which is a mental Prision. Closure we can only be who we are in the Creator. Thank you for your Series...

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4

Jul 18 at 12:50 PM

Temples and Buildings of old Shaped in Cymatics. The ones who are fallen can No long3r vibrate to Manifest with their Bodies. Needing someone on a Cross to Manifest for them. Has nothing to do with someone else Spirit. I am very Grateful even with their Lies my body has held it's Cymatics and is not in a fallen state. Example is a wizard useing a Wand a Medium to Manifest because he can't....🙏 The electricity we have today only has a Short time. You touch 220 it might kill you so I don't recommend. Thank you Everyone.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 3

Jul 18 at 12:25 PM

Despite all this I actually think the World is a wonderful place, even if some people seem blind and ignorant majority of people tend to lead towards the Good of things. The mental consciousness swift will be amazing. Thank you everyone who has helped participate in our Heavans on Earth Project.🙏


Commented on DISCLOSURE 2

Jul 18 at 11:32 AM

I'm not part of the Cabal or associate myself with their practices or Ghost writing... They have no soul or spirit so they have to cross a Man for his spirit(Women) and inprison a women for her Soul(Man)... Wether people like it or Not Jehovah the Watchtower Orginization is an L.L.C. and on Money it says in God we Trust. They trust in Baal a Muslim Diety always burning Kids to cover their Money. They need to sacrifice a Man to steal his spirit and imprison the women's Soul. I got a Dollar. Is people starting to understand the Bibles Code. B.asic I-nstructions. B.efore . L.eaving. B.I.B.L.E. We are Hebrews. Well im Irish which has been proven to irigante from Isreal before the English made them the Celts. Demonic Possession they have to clone there spirit on you and imprison your soul inside. Why are you target by Muslims when you become a Christian your going to have to fight or die and over time they steal and change your spirit to trap your soul all while covering there Money and Staffs bedroom.🤷‍♂️ Sorry Guys we're hear to Stay....

Jul 18 at 06:33 AM

charles lumkile komanisi Yes, the Cabal can only go as far as Money can take them. They dont have spirit or life. That's why they have to put a Man on a Cross. I think the Music Biz Calls it Ghost writing. Thank you Charles. You as well with a Mind of your own.

Jul 17 at 06:46 PM

UNIFYD TV Not at all , it just adds to the collective of information they we have already attained. Unless it's used as a Power Point for your Presentation.


Jul 17 at 03:06 PM

Why would creation be limited to a petredish. Even if it is flat which in the past they claimed it was ...their Mental Control still is the Same. In the Grand scheme of things I don't think the size of the earth Matters. With that being said. I don't think it's flat either.

Jul 16 at 01:53 PM

I'm in the processing of healing my Body and heart. They targeted my life to try to stop me from healing so I would have to pride work inside so they could feed of it. I was never part of the pride system and I'm not willing to lose my soul to gain that world. I'm just not. I will eventually get there. So I give up my heart to pride work what will I get a bedroom and they get money. I'm not willing. Thank you for your course