Matthew LaMacchia

Commented on Closure: Part Two

Aug 28 at 07:05 AM

Its good to see a bunch of people acending as Man and Women. The Govs want Sex pride so they can play God creating their Beast Systems.... Here's a 100 Washington Go get Low. Us Men and Women were leaving to our Heaven on Earth. Closure... Look how Washington spends it's Jesus Money. It is defenitly a Sexual Pride Metaphor so the Ones that fell can get their Chemical Reaction in their Brains to spark life in their Hearts.

Aug 27 at 06:06 PM

I see the x cause off Sugers but your reaching with the Ouroborosans and the leviathan Cross. At this point they don't care it would look exactly like it's picture. Messages Recieved don't eat Oreos.

Aug 27 at 05:54 PM

I would honestly give him a normal meal and shake my head and be like damn those tunnels sucked.


Aug 27 at 11:29 AM

Jason I still believe Yeshua knew what he was doing. All the people he healed and bless were because of Faith and beleifs. He knew he was saving people from themselves and people need a medium someone to manifest for them because they were lost. I don't need the Son of Man to manifest. I'm not lost. But I still stand with Yeshua and know one will ever take that away. Thank you for all you do Jason. The Son of Man didn't come for the Righteous he came to help the Lost. You guys should know better he wasn't against anyone . He had authority to help the Lost. That's why John called the Jews Vipers eating their way out of their Mothers. Sorry not the Best Example. Those two came for the Lost. Be blessed Jason and Group.

Aug 27 at 11:07 AM

Are you going to eat that Pie?


Aug 18 at 05:06 PM

It is hard to work for and with Humanity in your Serving the Whore of Babylon. You can’t serve to Masters.

Commented on Ed Dowd's Awakening

Aug 11 at 03:45 PM

Let's pick people to God judge so we don't have to be accountable. Glad you quit black Rock.

Aug 10 at 07:22 AM

Great Interview, the saying goes I'm not jumping on their Harley to get paid either. I don't want to be part of their Biker Club. Thanks Jason and Ray. I'm native, Italian, and Irish. I respect the Women as Well.


Aug 09 at 08:38 AM

Cate We don't Cook for the Whore Of Babylons Eyes. We free people of their Chains. Come out of her my people. The lust and pride in her Eyes👍🙏

Aug 09 at 08:01 AM

Cate In men and black they use Neuroilzer to erease memories and it's a red light. You target people with lust and Pride and it changes the way people see you. Its how they started targeting Christ people. If you can't assisante them then assignate their Character. People are programmed to not be able to see through time so they forget especially if they get hit with a Neurolizer then they think Christ is an Ahole Covered in Red with a Sword instead of a loving being who wants to set you free. So earse your good inside of seeing the truth light. Now your just swamp gas.