Matthew LaMacchia

Commented on DISCLOSURE 7

Jul 11 at 08:45 PM

The TLS and the THP … T.H.P. Represents The Heart Problem. Comeing to know the TLS. The Game is about to Change…

Jul 11 at 07:03 AM

I’m Happy for you Gentlemen 👍. Thank you for Taking the Reigns of their System. Be blessed and as Always. Keep safe. Glad it’s you and not Me…. I wasn’t going to be a Negative to the Positive. I know you Guys are the Posotive Side. They wanted me to Battle you guys tried to piss me off. I haven’t battle you guys once to show how much of a lie it’s become. Let’s battle on a body to burn it out smoke it up like incense. The last 5 years we have all been aligned. Look at the World…

Jul 09 at 10:35 PM

Can someone ascend while working a Job? I believe it is so internally. What if you had a community and you were the Grounds keeper… You have all the keys to all the buildings, you keep the grass mowed. You harvest the crops from the Garden. Obviously it’s a Job but your still ascending with all the Heads and have a seat at the table. Gods Main Man… I do believe normal people who work jobs can ascend inside. What stops it from happening is the environment and the people you are around. Protect the company you keep🙏. Don’t feel discouraged if your not rich, don’t have a Great job. The kingdom inside is of truth and Spirit which brings love. Thank you Jason and UNIFYD for what you Guys and Gals do.

Jul 07 at 09:04 AM

If your saying that Ray was undercover with the Rothchilds to help make a better Change. They are the richest people in the World not only are you exposing it they already know. So wouldn’t the Rothchilds be the ones letting it Happen. Maybe the Bankers want a Good Change. Not question the TLS methods. But letting it be known is very Curious.

Jul 07 at 08:07 AM

English was Man Made and Hebrew Symbols and language was found…. Interesting. No wonder English has a Sexual Undertone… They have been using God since the Fall. I have God I’m taking your Daughter…🤣🤣🤣 Obviously but I’m Jokeing with a hint of Truth Overtone…

Jul 07 at 07:38 AM

I see you Jason. Thank you it’s to Bad Majority of people can’t see outside of Religion… Religion didn’t come until the Fallen took Wives🤔. No doubt they need a Good to be Covered…


Jul 03 at 02:28 PM

Thank you for how you show your presentation without panning anothers brain. That's how it's done. Helping people acsend while you acsend yourself. Not stopping people from ascending and then useing that energy to ascend yourself. From what I have scene you are doing it Right.🙏 Thank you... Myself as well I have never stopped someone else from ascending so I could use their energy to ascemd myself. Much blessing and Love. Thank you


Makes since all Hollywood wants it's people to be illumanited working for their Mastery as a word throat Chakra Sex Power. We all know what Hollywood is🤷‍♂️. Thank you for precise Knowledge

Jul 02 at 08:32 AM

I have experienced the singularity and the third eye at times. I currently in the throat Charka it almost feels like I've been trapped hear for years so I have to serve as a word light power for someone else. I say that as soon as I enter the head. I wish I could show you the mental control of synchronicity....I will eventually leave and enter a Moment of peaceful void.


Jun 30 at 12:41 PM

