Crystal Knell

Oct 12 at 03:52 PM

Derrick GrahamI have sent you an email with the details for the meeting.  Did you get it?


Oct 12 at 12:51 PM

Wow.  If you are so against what Jason is teaching, why are you still a part of Unifyd?  You have every right to your opinion.  I am not trying to silence you by any means. I just think that if you don't like what is being taught and said here, maybe you should leave?  All said with kindness and curiosity.  I'm trying to tell you what to do.

Oct 12 at 12:43 PM

can you provide an email address, and I can send you an email with the zoom information?


Oct 12 at 12:40 PM

Can I get an email address to send it to you?  

Oct 12 at 12:31 PM

It's ok. We will hand do many more!! We had such a great meeting!

Oct 10 at 09:27 PM

Get me your email and I can get you on the list!

Oct 10 at 09:26 PM

What's your email?  I'll get you on the list when I get one!

Oct 10 at 09:26 PM

What is your email?  I would love to get you on the list!

Oct 10 at 06:12 PM

Also, If you didn't receive the email yet, please let me know and I will get it out ASAP.


Oct 10 at 05:56 PM

I have new emails that have been submitted. I will send the same email I sent last night.  That way everyone will get the same message.  And so far, I have only four responses for a time and which platform to use.  If everyone can please get their responses in by 7pm MST so I can send an email with the time for everyone, I would really appreciate it!  You are all amazing and I can't wait to meet you all!