Cindy Solomon

Las Vegas, NV, United States

From Lahaina, Maui. Starting a New Life in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Commented on 🥰

Sep 10 at 07:53 PM

We all Unite!


Sep 10 at 07:51 PM

Many times I go on covert missions  that I usually can't remember clearly no matter how hard I try and I wake up totally exhausted!!!  Sometimes I go back to high school and graduate again.  LOL


Sep 09 at 11:46 AM

Dana Spatola Thank you so much for your kind message.

Yes, Missing everything about Lahaina! 42 years in the islands. It was Home.

We went back in May for a visit with my 3 Sons who remained on Maui. The youngest got burned pretty bad, he was in the middle of the fire, he has survived and is recovering as well as can be expected. Psychologically he will never be the same. The horror he saw was like a world war! People disintegrated before his eyes…

It was sad and hard to leave. But it’s all done now. We have to move on.

I brought my 3 small grandsons to Vegas to start over. We are adapting, but yes the heat is intense!!! I thank God for A/C everyday!

The Desert has a quiet beauty I have come to respect and enjoy. And snow is coming to the mountains soon!

We know nothing about snow… lol

Always great to learn new things! Right?

And make new friends!

Definitely need new friends…

Let’s figure out how to connect…

Maybe an event somewhere close?

Wishing you a lovely day!

Warmest Aloha!


Sep 08 at 09:52 PM

More about teaching our children…

I truly believe that …


To teach them how to live and not


Any Living Being!!!



Sep 08 at 12:37 PM

I had recurring dreams about going back to High School. I always commented that I had already graduated and asked why I had to do it again? It was a different school every time. I assumed I was going out of body to study.., lol

Sep 08 at 12:26 PM

There is a lot of great content!

The Pyramid Code

Rays of Light

The Law of One

All of it is Amazing and Unforgettable!

But “Ray” really takes the Cake!!!

Thank you Ray!!! From my inner heart!

Thank you!!!

I would love to hear more about rectification and how to process and move through this throughout Life without stacking the deck against ourselves further. ❤️❤️❤️


Sep 08 at 12:14 PM

It is the education we SHOULD have received from the beginning of our lives.

Now it is the ReEducation of our true Potential and Place in the Universe and this Life.

Thank you to all Our ReEducators!!!


Sep 07 at 01:55 PM

Did Nazis etc… create a breakaway civilization with tech from planet Alderbaron via channel Maria Orsic and were European Jewish prisoners exported as slaves for this project?

Sep 07 at 01:41 PM

1983 I had my first home birth in the water (bathtub) to spare my child from hospital cruelty. I have had 4 home births, no complications and was walking around within an hour of delivery. Birth is not a sickness and babies are amazing when they arrive! They deserve a clean start!

Not impatient doctors spanking and acid on the eyes and cold steel on their skin! My children never cried or showed anything but happiness and peace. It all starts at Birth! It woke me up!

We need to educate in Gentle Birth!

Sep 07 at 11:13 AM

Love is the Way! That is the Message!