Bryan Foust

Aug 31 at 01:59 AM

Taurus ♉ 🐂


Aug 31 at 01:19 AM

They call it fear mongering because they don't want you to be prepared for reality . Who do you think would do something like that ? Who do you think is watching the enlightened community to see what we're doing ? Pat them no mind . they're either not awake or on the other team .

Commented on Missing 411

Aug 29 at 06:08 PM

If you weren't there and don't know 100% what happened why are you bashing these parents ? GOD tells us not to judge anyone . If you have kids put yourself in their shoes . You don't know how you would react either ,until you go through it .


Commented on Astrology

Aug 29 at 03:24 PM

I have the most in 12 I have 4

Commented on Birth Chart

Aug 29 at 02:24 PM

Hey Aries put your clothes on ... Lmao Taurus here I got your clothes don't worry

Replied on Birth Chart

Aug 29 at 02:15 PM

The pyramid star ✨

Commented on Birth Chart

Aug 29 at 02:14 PM

She has amazing energy !!! Thank you


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Aug 27 at 03:26 PM

They were killing off the older people because their birth certificate BONDS had matured and they were losing money keeping them alive and they are lost mf the war they are losing money which means they are losing power.

learn who you are and what has been going on . correct your status and remove yourself from their water jurisdiction operated by the British royal family . Come back to the land jurisdiction which is GODS law operated by we the people. TheEnlightenedGuideToSpiritualAwakening on Facebook and @bryanthevisionfoust on tiktok for more information


Replied on The ANTIDOTE

Aug 27 at 03:21 PM

It's simple . Control and power . It's human nature . Some of us can control this urge and some can't.


Aug 26 at 07:54 PM

They were written by that person's perception . Downloads yes some of us get them and I have yet to get one stating anything different from what I have stated here .