Jada C.

Greater Sudbury, Canada

Did anyone else notice a white orb go by Jason while he was speaking?

Sep 15 at 05:01 PM

Natasha Chriswell awesome 💯 ❤️ your experience is similar to mine. Everything you said. Sending love and hugs 🤗 🫂 ❤️

Sep 15 at 04:58 PM

Akhi the beings that followed me at different times in my life were murderes and rapist so I can confirm this ! ❤️

Sep 14 at 06:31 PM

I actually knew about Hitler being reincarnated some time ago, unfortunately. He was born again I think in 57. Delores Cannon also speaks about this and actually has a sketch of what he apparently looks like and where he was born. I was really hoping they would bring this up. Great video I was a little nervous to watch it as what others have said just to have the idea of it in your mind. I believe that heaven is a place of whatever we want to and believe it will be just as we believe and see whatever we want to in the 3D world, what our consciousness projects. I believe the same thing happens there. I have had numerous NDEs and have also been in a coma it wasn't as long as he was talking about, about a week let's say. I've always been really spiritual and in touch with the spirit side since I was little I could see and sense spirit ALWAYS! I've gone through my struggles as everyone else has and totally rose above them. I am really in tune and live everything in spiritual vision so to speak. With everything I ALWAYS see the spiritual aspects first ALWAYS. It's so hard to explain because people would probably think I'm crazy if I explained it all which I know I am not. But after my coma and being lost for awhile I did really come into my "gift" that I've always had. I've done a lot of work on that part of time in my life and frequently talk to my spirit guide about all these things and he assures me that I did not change souls, he is very adamant about this. (Part of my souls purpose was to experience a lot of these things and it totally aligns with my souls purpose and what I am doing today with all the work I do specifically my job and the people that I help.) If ANYTHING is possible and no one really has all the answers but GOD I know there's is so much we don't know and don't understand even on a soul level. God has reasons for everyone and everything that is done and we may never have all the answers for this. I have been to the land of darkness aside from my NDEs, I've never committed suicide or done anything really bad. The things that go on there are absolutely awful. It happens in my "dreams" which I actually know aren't dreams, when I do go there I wake up exhausted. I do a lot of energy work with my spirit helpers to stop this from happening. I still have lots to learn and I'll never stop learning or wanting to know everything but I have also physically felt the pull down 👇 as ray speaks about. I did live a bad life before I came into the awakening that I am in now post coma which started right after my coma. I don't know if it was different someone actually killed me and I got revived and that's when I was in the coma. It was more of a healing coma to help my body recover from what had been done to me on every level, spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally. I don't even see it as a bad thing, the doctors in the ICU did not see me surviving but im a champion and came out on top and am better because of all that happening to me. If all that makes sense sounds like a lot and it's hard to explain. The only time I go to what I call the bad place is when I am asleep and my guard is down but the things going on down there are very familiar to me and this life I lived previous to the coma I am talking about. During wakefulness I am 100% protecting my energy and when I fall asleep even though I do as much as I can to prepare myself it still happens sometimes but as soon as I pray for God to get me out of there I am immediately whisked away upward. I also see a lot of what I call angels 😇 down there for lack of a better word and they are doing they're work too to help. They look bad and scary but I notice them but I never point them out I know they are there to help. In one of my "dreams" I came face to face sitting across the table from one of the "bad guys" that had been bringing me down there and I had talked to my spirit helpers and I did face him and said like you have no idea about what's to happen do you and he said no then I said zoom and in the corner this strong light energy like sucked him right in and he was gone. I was pretty proud of myself then immediately brought to what I knew and felt was heaven but it was a school and we went into a class room and all the "angels" were there high five ing and smiling and they were surprised I knew who they were and that I knew where I was. Sorry if this is all over the place just trying to explain it the best I can so anyone reading this could maybe understand. Sending lots of love to everyone 💜

If anything I feel like I am going through that spiritual amargedon they talk about. The closer I get to the love and light and the brighter I get the more the opposite is trying to pull me down to their level . Both figuratively and spiritually.


Sep 12 at 04:20 PM

It's not just america it's the whole world going through this. We will stop this 💯 🤞 💜


Sep 10 at 03:36 PM

I have a lot of great dreams. I write them down a lot and find lessons in everything. Either stuff I'm dealing with or dealt with. I just read one of my old dreams it was about my x that passed He was actually murdered 😢 but i wrote down one of the dreams I had when I saw him in heaven and I just read it yesterday and in my "dream" I had a unicorn nose on my nose lol but I had to take it off to kiss him. I told him I loved him and he seemed confused because of the way that it ended in "real life". I gave him lots of love and I really believe that helped him with his healing journey up there. He was very happy to see me and to know I still loved him 😊 💜
