Jada C.

Greater Sudbury, Canada

Sep 23 at 12:34 PM

Anne Cook I'm sorry to hear this! I work at the hospital and I know how awful it can be. I was personally in a circumstance where they where they were over medicating me while I was in and out of consciousness after this terrible thing had happened. I really felt in those moments that they didn't much expect me to survive (I thought more than that just don't want to share it all here). I don't really feel they wanted me to either. At work, we always talk about burdens on the health care system and I really felt like they saw me as one of those people. I am actively working to help change those kinds of policies and procedures at my hospital that really don't align with what our actual purpose is. Unfortunately, for older people it has really gone downhill when it comes to giving them proper medical care,any of it! As small as having them understand why they are being given these medications to having no choice but to stay in hospital and pay crazy amounts of money to stay there and we're in Canada where "health care is free" along with a lot of other incidents that I see! I see it happening to my Gramma, her friends and my friends parents. I'm really sorry this has happened. I hope you can work on finding some peace 🙏 sending you big hugs and lots of love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

For anyone else going through this. I know it's just not our hospital but becoming a patient or family advocate and learning the system in order to better help the people you are caring for can go a long way! People should always have a choice in their health care, to get educated on processes, procedures they may go through and medications. As much as they need to make a fully educated decision on what may effect them for the rest of their lives! Get involved!! No one is ever at their best when they aren't well and just listening to what the doctors tell them to do isn't always the best decision for them!! ❤️❤️❤️ Stay strong 💪

Sep 22 at 07:07 PM

MPthatsMe thanks for reading my comment and the replies. Sending you big 🫂 🤗 and lots of love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ take care my friend!🙏

Sep 22 at 03:06 PM

MPthatsMe thanks for your reply and understanding! My Gramma has even got sick thinking she needs all sorts of medical intervention she is 87 and has beat cancer she now lives with diabetes. She eats really healthy has a garden and everything but believes in the shots and media so much 😢 my mom and dad got like 5 shots and COVID 5 times my mom has said she is not going to get anymore (finally! And I did manage to sneak her out of the house to an EEsystem, but convincing her it would be beneficial to my Gramma or dad has gone nowhere and she doesn't want to go back 😢, even though she believes in it for herself! I sent so much information to her especially the testimonials about the older people and the people living with the same sorts of things my dad and Gramma are going through) the fact that she said she won't get any more vaccines and I was like mom you got COVID just as many times as you got shots it's obviously not working! I even told her about all the stuff I researched around the truth about the shots any shots! So we will see what comes of that! I work at the hospital and it's friggin mandatory to have so many vaccines for this and that. Like MANDATORY they even need a copy of your immunization record before you can even step foot in there as an employee 😡. I do really love my job and help a lot of people I'm allied health I'm not no damn doctor or nurse! Anyways, you have to keep up with them but I am not going to be doing that obviously! I did have to get them to work there and then almost died, what most people call "vaccine injuries" I'm in my 30s and my BP was over 165 for a very long time, then I got adema in my whole body and my organs then they started to shut down again. I just had organ failure like 4 years ago during COVID but not COVID related...I don't think so. I didn't get a shot but I know how sneaky they are! So anything is possible! And plus it was a violent crime on me that put me in the ICU in the first place but then my body became septic and I was dying! I did die actually but I came back.. the guy did not get charged as I wasn't conscious enough to even do anything about it and my town doesn't care until your actually dead and then they will investigate the murder. I live in an awful town that is small but was #1 in Canada for violent crimes. However they figure that out people/violent crimes per population. I went off a bit on a tangent here 😂. On the other side of things I also have gratitude for all these bad things that is happening to me and the world ONLY because it is waking people the F up!!! Slowly... And my awakening and contact with spirit has really come in full tilt since that experience and I a better, stronger, awakened person because of it 😊. That guy will have to deal with his karma! I trust in the universe 🙏 without all this trauma I wouldn't be there person I am today. There is no light without dark so thank you darkness for making me strong 💪. Now if we could just get this out to the rest of the world we will move into that beautiful nirvana that Ray talks about! ❤️❤️ ❤️


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Sep 22 at 12:33 PM

I'm glad you said this! I'm really connected to spirit and I constantly have connection and conversations with spirit. My Spirit guide, passed loved ones etc.. but the other day I was having a hard day and the trees answered me! I love it! People think I am crazy! I do love to do my outside meditations next to this big tree beside my house but these were the trees in the bushes on the side. They basically told me to leave my feelings with them and the wind and mother earth will take my troubles away. Just to trust in all things ❤️❤️❤️

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Sep 22 at 12:23 PM

I eat raw! It completely changed my life!! ❤️❤️❤️

Sounds super f ed up! I wouldn't recommend ever getting any kind of vaccine!!!

Sep 22 at 12:16 PM

I have Virgo moon but I am a Sagittarius actually opheucus ❤️


Sep 22 at 12:14 PM

I'm from Ontario Canada where we get cold winters but beautiful summers 😊 ❤️

Sep 20 at 08:03 PM

Hey guys so I watched this last night before bed and commented on being excited for more since I work in health care(it's in the trailer comments). I've been having a lot of I'm not sure what to call them eye opening message from spirit in my dreams and I had two right after I watched this. I'll summarize it. The first one was kids being awakened then being put back to sleep, then we were outside and people were trying to enforce these terrible masks for the youth. There was also mention about needing fake visas for travel. What I got from this is pretty self explanatory, they are going to be targeting the children so they don't awaken and they are going to try (which I believe has already started) some sort of "virus" is going to come out to target the kids. The second dream was a Simpsons episode and this dam broke and it was flooding everywhere. In the Simpsons episode they were trying to contain it. They called it "conciousness juice" and they couldn't let it get back out and were doing everything to keep it from leaking out. If anyone's seen the Simpsons they seem to come out with all sorts of "premonitions" 🙄. I feel like they are trying to make this an actual episode. Just for some background I have really been coming into my gift lately (I've always had it), I get messages from spirit constantly, in waking life and especially in dreams. Doesn't mean they will come true but it just confirms and brings awareness, just to say they really wanted me to share this! Sending love to all of u ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

😂 cool right!!! Spirit is with him!! 🩷🩷🩷 I know they are always with us but getting it caught on video with Jason is really awesome!! ❤️😊 😊
