Dom Jones

Oct 04 at 05:18 PM

The truth is that we were kidnapped from our father and they've taken us to a realm where by Universal Law HE IS NOT ALLOWED TO ENTER per his own law. We are nothing like we once were. And this environment was engineered to do what it has to us. No one wants to admit this, but we've been gone A LONG TIME.


Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:33 AM

The Ancients were NOT born of the womb and THIS is why they are doing what they are to us. They will NEVER view us as ONE with them hence why they created the Divine Realm of Light. The root of the word DIVINE being div..meaning division. Remember folks the deception is "subtle"

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:27 AM

A human does NOT have a soul there is no such thing. We are WATER BEINGS and we REFLECT light there is no light within us..until they ionize us. PLEASE we don't have long they've already started

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:23 AM

Humans being water beings is why Maritime Law is what is governing us under this system. WE are of THE WATERS OF THE WOMB OF THE MOTHER...pleas innerstand what I am saying and go forth on this path of research to see what I am saying is true for your own self. Please I urge you research THIS and the invocation of the Bornless one and you will SEE

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:16 AM

The human body is over 70% water..H2O. They are going to burn that hydrogen in us, hence why we sweat when that Sun hits us and why our body REFLECTS light JUST AS WATER DOES...we are NOT beings of light. This is the mark of "the entity" PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE all that you're talking about DOES NOT matter we need to keep them from ionizing our bodies otherwise it will have ETERNAL consequences.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:12 AM

Humans aren't what anyone thinks. We're not fallen angels and we're certainly not beings of Light, they are irradiating our bodies with tech to cause ionization in our bodies because their plan is to burn us all in our own bodies forever.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:09 AM

Being in mortality is referenced right in the hieroglyphs in Egypt today. It talks about the Serpent invoked bringing those who stole the technology THE GREEKS being brought to the hand of Justice hence the entering in on the left and the right hands... The Serpent seed is the Pale/Caucasian and Asiatic peoples they came from the water as is verifiable by The DOGON in Kenya. If you look up human being in Black's Law dictionary a meaning of this term is SEA MONSTER.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 07:02 AM

I haven't heard anyone speak anything even close to the truth of what is actually going on. We are IN mortality. We have already died. When the invocation of the Bornless One was made by the Ancients it was done so that NO other people could attain the greatness they had and they plan to use OUR bodies to reincarnate in which does NOT mean what everyone thinks. Reincarnation is when a vessel is taken over by a Consciousness hence what a sentient being is. This is how they are "Immortal". Humans bodies are "vessels", nothing more.

Commented on DISCLOSURE 4 Q&A

Oct 02 at 06:54 AM

Religion occurred because of the Invocation of the Bornless One...who is none other than "the Entity"

Commented on DISCLOSURE 1-3 Q&A

Oct 02 at 06:33 AM

You've both admitted WE ARE ENSLAVED....Slaves DON'T HAVE FREE WILL