
Looking to learn more and share personal experiences

Oct 09 at 06:55 PM

Is there a way I can email this man directly? I believe I have seen things I shouldn’t have seen , I seen “people” with energy coming from them, it’s like when you see a WiFi advert on the tv and you see all the colourful beams coming from them, you can literally feel and see the energy! When I come out of the experience and I can see the room again , it takes a while for me to come back and in that time I can see things in the same room which the naked eye can’t! I believe I may have seen an insight to the future ! I watched the realms turning it was like ying and Yang in a circular motion, I watched our energy being harvested also! I believe it was in a secret place… my memory is blurred but I am still remembering stuff, who is the man who we can’t see??? 

Oct 09 at 06:48 PM

Omg I am literally in tears.

I had an out of body experience a few weeks ago , I went to another dimension. I was screaming and panicking saying I was in the “bad place” and I described it as hell. I have also been to the “good place” which I can only describe as a guided journey from a Birds Eye view going up and beyond! 

I literally felt myself reincarnating into EVERYTHING! I have tried to explain my experience and I sound absolutely crazy, the stuff that I seen cannot be explained, as I have never seen it before therefore it doesn’t have a name! It’s like you unlock parts of your brain! I started describing my experience as realms and dimensions. I believe I actually created some sort of realm, I also believe I seen a “human energy harvester” (a phase I made up due to what I was witnessing) and it was that what made me come across this whole video!!!!! i literally experienced everything this man is saying , I just couldn’t  begin to apprehend how I’d be able to even explain it!