Bianca Bell-Chambers love this awareness yes listening to our bodys, synchronicity is so so good. They say, we were once 90% spiritual 10% matter/physical. But now are living the reversed. They say our subconscious mind/spirit is what makes up our physical body in our reality.
So spiritually, in our higher subconscious minds, we know whats good and whats badfor us, but because of the 10% connection. Our 90% physical state, wants, desires, physical emotional attachment takes over. Its a coping thing i guess.
Where, if we still had the 90% spiritual mentality our coping mechanism would be something we cant describe i guess. They call this "Limited Understanding" awareness yet to be had. For our physical mind/state wouldnt cope with knowledge or awareness of all that is, the bright, the dimensional light, the one we all know. Holy of holies. The relm of righteousness. Even today with what i have learnt, im still learning so soo good.
I hope im helpful.
Babarah oniel, reminds us, our bodies are built to self heal, connecting back to mother earth as she provides all with exactly what they need. (Shes on utube, she has a retreat also its called living springs retreat shes amazing.)
I learnt this also after learning about medicinal plants and when i visit people, i see theese plants that are their just for them and their needs. It really blows my mind. But i struggle with helping supporting/advising those, for im not a dr, and people are not quite ready to change or learn the truth. I simply suggest and let them do watever with that advice.
Its a cool world! Learning the truth, but like all things, the outline/dark is needed. Still tryna wrap my head around it but ying/yang, all 3 are needed, to distinguish eachother. I think.
+- and nutruel.
Commented on The Light System (Season 2): The Inside Game
Feb 04 at 04:40 PM
Thats was beautiful thankyou💓