Liz Duff

Hastings, New Zealand

Dec 31 at 05:49 PM

UNIFYD TV i hope thats 11th jan 25😁 we nz, 11/01/25🤦‍♀️ cause 1st of nov, i cannot wait. Im struggling to wait as it is😩


Dec 30 at 07:54 PM

Its been raining here, on and off for the past 2 weeks.

Yesterday, i panicked as i seen this cloud perfectly formed disked shaped, heavy looking. The energy through me into panic, i was hunting for seeds. Tbh!

I am some what calmer then yesterday, but more of a relief of victory. Idk what this feeling was, but it still present! inregards to red flag vibrations.

We will, We can, We do.

See you.


Dec 30 at 07:44 PM

Nz, i am shaking. It shows my state of being, its strengths and weaknesses. Guidance is something we need through this transition. For me i am struggling to stay focus. The energy lining is thin, between the layers. Is the only way i can explain it. Grounding is my best friend atm.

Im here for guidance, cause awareness is ying and yang like all things.

Guidance? What does that look like? Is my next i guess.

Commented on Preparing For Contact

Dec 22 at 03:45 AM

Awareness is a gift, respected with preservation. Know your power. As awareness harnesses redirection. Manifestation of an idea insisted.

Know your power.


Dec 08 at 05:38 AM

We have tried as a people, we cry, for unity. Yet gaslighting is the outcome of the past 180+years. Oppression of love. We are tired. But hopeful😊

Bring on the age of love, we are restless with anticipation. Excited to unite, in unity 💓


Nov 18 at 07:40 PM

Again like the bible, interpretations and opinions, is not what the world needs. Freedom of choice, connectiveness, awareness of all that is.

Allow the people to make their own choice, but if the process is needed, so be it.

Nov 18 at 07:35 PM

If you understood oneness you would understand bashar. If only you knew the hybrids bashar is actually talking about. Then would you be more united with all that is. More welcoming to the support that is needed in such circumstances.

Love conquers all. Its not science its not fear its, LOVE