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Adam and Eve or Adam & Steve.. Tomato●Tom(ATO)🚹Or🚺 IDC... I really don't. I think gay people are great. I have many friends that are gay that have also underwent sex changes and they are still some of the best people that I have come to know within my 31 years of physical reality BUTTTTTTTTT..... I don't like lies and pedophiles!! So for that, I will expose the corrupt sick people that were involved with this master plan of world dominance..sorry First Lady Muchelle(Michael)Obama but you's a GROWN ASS MAN!! He/She was probably the one laying the pipe..or pitching rather than catching..Obama always seemed like he'd take one up the ass. But hey, one of my Gay friends once told me.. 'If a man can take a 10 In (******) that'd a tough son of a bitch.. udk if that's appropriate or not..regardless it's true and holds wait. 🤭🫢🫣🤫🤔🤐