November 18, 2024

Affirm now 3 times!
"I DO NOT Accept bashar, hybrid children, Esasani civilizations, dark Anunnaki, dark reptilians, dark greys, cabal and their allies in to Earth.

All of them and all dark manipulation is exposed to me and humanity NOW!

We break all ties and soul contract with them, and they DO NOT hold any more power over us.

All dark agendas, lies, manipulations and entities leave me, leave humanity and leave Earth NOW!

We live in the light and only in the light!"

Bashar is DARK!! It manipulate you to agree invite and create the fallen anunnaki back to earth through a content of ascension and his humor that makes you feel good but you don't pay attention he tells you in between the lines how soon we will start to get visits.. Promote the hybrid kids so people will think its cute and look forward to it.. Isn't it Exactly how the dark works?.. TELL you in codes and hints what's about to come and use your silence as consent??? ...
Don't be silent!! Don't consent!!
Light beings don't TELL you what's going to happen!! Light beings ASK for your permission out of RESPECT for your free will!! Affirm and share this everywhere you see Bashar content please!!