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Alot of the ET civilizations do learn from us because we are a self limiting species that has amnesia when it comes to remembering and figuring our who we are!! But we figure it out how to keep moving forward ,but we are stuck carnating on earth because of the amnesia!! But we keep moving forward & the ET'S admire that!! I've read that our planet is actually a big LABRATORY with lots and lots of different experiments going on at once including animals and plants as well!! According to Bashar,our DNA was tampered with 10's of thousands of years ago and we would be a completly different species if our DNA hadn't been tampered with! We would probably be BIG FOOTS LITTLE cousins!! There is so much more to life and the big picture than we have been told or lead on to believe!! We are waking up now though! But in reality we all came from source, people always ask or wonder where they are from and the answer is simple, we come from source. PERIOD!! A lot of the souls andAkhi and spirits today were once light beings or have come from a much more higher place of vibration and frequency that came STRAIGHT from source, after World War II there was a call out to the universe to bring in pure Souls! There have been 3 waves of souls that have integrated into the human expierence that have never been in a human shell,the first wave,came in 40's & 50's were a bunch of souls that didn't want to be here,they wanted to go home and alot and where they came from,SOURCE/GOD,was full of nothing but pure love and ONENESS,In reality they didnt wanna be here due to the spirit expience they have existed in,Then, the second wave being in there 20s & 30s maybe some roll over in there 40's they have been identified as antennas or generators,and are here to GENERATE ,CHANNEL & CREATE positive energy to raise the energy and to positivly effect everyone else! (I would be in the 2nd wave,im 31)the people within this 2nd wave are said to be able to walk within a large group of entities and have the energy that will affect anyone that is in the vicinity!! They are generators of POSITIVE ENERGY and they dont do it consciously,THEY JUST DO IT,they are engines and generators of POSITIVE ENERGY!! All the 2nd wave is supposed to do is to just simply,(BE)The purpose of the 2nd wave us to just BE & to allow the channeled energy to transfer through the populous!! Alot of the 2nd wave don't like to be around people and they don't wanna have children because in doing so would create a karma and this wave wants to l,shall we say,GET IN & GET OUT!! The 3rd wave are the current children and some in there teens, it is said that these children of the third wave of souls should not be put on medicine because they are operating on a different frequency and energy level within their genetics. They are a totally new species. An example of the gifts these young and have is that they have very in tune intuition and clairvoyance capabilities, when asked by the teacher what is the answer to the problem, the kids would answer and the teacher would reply, how did you know the answer? The kid would then reply I just knew. These kids are super intelligent and very intellectual, a different breed of human species, they tend to get bored within the classroom and it is suggested that we give them special projects to exercise their gifts. They have a different way of thinking, some of these kids graduated college at 10 years old and have created their own organizations already. And organizations have to do with helping the children of the world. Within the process of getting our planet and origins of humanity the Source created these 3 waves and all 3 waves have a part to play within the reality and expiernce of earth on this reality plane. What wave would you be in and do you relate to any of the information I shared!?!?!