November 06, 2023
• Edited (Nov 24, 2023)

 ב - Bet/Vet, gematria 2

ב is one of the so called Begadkephat letters. These are a set of 6 consonants, which in Hebrew/Aramaic may have a secondary pronunciation.

Basically, the same letter has 2 phonetic values. In the case of ב, it is normally vocalized as English/Latin B, but then depending by the context inside the word, it could be pronounced also as the English/Latin V.

Hence one could see Abraham also written as Avraham. Because in Hebrew (and Aramaic) in such context as that of Abraham, the B is pronounced as V.

As for when B is pronounced as V do not worry too much, when the audio will be married to the text, as we plan to do later, it will come naturally, and we will know when ב is pronounced as B or when as V.

Apart from the secondary pronunciation, depending on the word context,  ב is an easy letter to pronounce, for an English or Romance language speaker.

The Gematria value for  ב is 2.