
Chicago, IL, United States

Jan 30 at 01:42 AM

"A Story That Will Blow Your Mind!!!". It did! But totally not in the direction that was expected.


Jan 28 at 03:02 PM

Totally Sylvia Tanzini , G*d is LOVE. Faith is very important too; it's the engine that drives our actions. We have to believe first and then we act based on what we believe. Without faith to drive it, there is no action.


Commented on Angels & Demons

Jan 12 at 01:51 PM

According to the Book of Enoch (which is not part of the Hebrew Bible but was read and known in the centuries around the Second Temple), at least some of the demons are the spirits of the evil hybrids that resulted from the union of Watchers with the daughters of Adam. Did all of those hybrids become demons? Are all demons only the spirits of the hybrids or maybe humans in our day can also become demons when they die?

 I think, this episode could have probably been done a little bit more coherent, I find it outright contradictory at time, but maybe after I listen more than once I get a better picture (that has happened in the past). 

Jan 02 at 11:13 AM

Nicole It looks like Ray knows a little bit more than I do. I live in an environment where everybody around is a heavy dreamer, I might have generalized that too much. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Dec 06 at 12:13 AM

Andie Ross maybe I am not paying enough attention to this dream landscape. I could always control my dreams if I wanted to (I now learn that is called lucid dreaming, if understood right). I can remember dreams so vividly that I could write full novels. In the morning after partially waking up, a lot of interesting stuff happens, I begin to see that other people find that time very interesting too. Need to pay more attention there too.I also had a bunch of spontaneous OBE, but I always fought them with all of my strength because I thought it meant that I was dying. Now I begin to understand the phenomenon better and next time I won't fight it, hopefully. Maybe I will even learn to control it and trigger it when needed it.

I learnt a lot of useful information from the comments posted here. It seems that you may even be receiving concrete instructions with regards to certain actions, tasks, etc. through dreams.Hard to believe, but it seems not everybody has a rich dreaming experience, strange

Dec 04 at 12:38 AM

Olesya maybe the western lifestyle kills people ability to dream/remember their dream. In the more primitive society where I grew up, my experience has been different. We would talk about dreams, share them, etc. More like in Hebrew Bible when Joseph was in the prison, in the morning people shared and talked about their dreams. It was normal for people to do that.

Nov 29 at 08:34 PM

Brianna Minus Always learning. I grew up in a more primitive culture, where we had no idea whatsoever about drugs and stuff like that. TBH, even to this day I've never seen drugs in my whole life. Alcohol drinking was a problem though, even in those more primitive cultures.

Nov 20 at 07:23 PM

While I was in that weaken state, I also was not able to fight off some critters that were trying to get me out of my body. Who knows what happened then, maybe that's why I lost memories. I normally can fight off any "aliens" by simply commanding them to get lost.

Nov 20 at 07:09 PM

Julie Hughes maybe some trauma blocks memories? I am not a specialist, just saying. In my case, I had a blood poisoning (sepsis) in my youth due to doctor misdiagnosis and wrong treatment. After that I lost much of my childhood memories. With time, they started to come back though. But people would say, remember this or that, and I would stare at them, like who are you talking about, are you sure that was me?  But things started to come back over the years.