
Chicago, IL, United States

Sep 16 at 03:06 AM

More like a comment than a question. Rabbi AA admonishes Ray to be careful what he talks and how he acts, that otherwise he himself could end up in the Land of Darkness. I find that quite sobering. After all Ray has seen and all the amazing experiences, if he is not careful, he himself could end up in there. Quite sobering. (that's from the Trancedusing chapter)

Sep 16 at 03:00 AM

In the transducing chapter, Rabbi AA mentions not only the Land of Darkness but also the Black Light. Care to touch on that, or ask Ray who/what is that?

Sep 16 at 02:55 AM

NT also talks about certain individuals that are so wicked that they are thrown directly into Lake of Fire, they are not given even the benefit of going through Hades (Land of Darkness?). It talks about 2 person that will be thrown into the Lake of Fire even while alive, without even going through the death experience.

Sep 16 at 02:51 AM

London in the NT (which I don't think it is being studied by Ray or Jason ATM) it talks about Hades and Lake of Fire, as 2 distinct states of being. To me it seems Hades = Land of Darkness and Lake of Fire = Kaf HaKela.

Lake of Fire is called the second death. Hades is never called that. At some point, it says even Hades will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. If the correspondence is correct, then Land of Darkness is a temporary state which at some point, itself will be removed from the Universe into Kaf HaKela (supposing the correspondence is valid).

Sep 16 at 02:43 AM

That's a Christian concept, so I am not sure how much Ray knows about it. I am pretty sure Rabbi AA was well versed, as he totally recommended us to study both OT and NT, but not sure how much Ray and Jason is into NT.  It's quite obvious to me e.g. Jason has no idea what NT teaches, etc.

Sep 15 at 09:29 PM

Rabia  I am by no means in a position to be one to cast of stone, I would like just to understand. I would rather be offended while being in a position where things can still be straightened out, than waiting until you get to such a terrible place. As for RoL, that text is very confusing to me. Rabbi AA says those who engage in this kind of behavior are dead inside, spiritually dead, unhappy, etc. and they need to be offered all the help you can give them. That RoL text is very confusing, and it seems to me, somewhat contradictory.  Or maybe is written in such a way, so that various people, depending on their level, could get whatever they need out of it...

Sep 15 at 06:26 PM

London I was talking about Land of Darkness. Ray says he has been there for 24 hours in Earth time. As for Kaph HaKela, I am aware that he says there is no way out. Basically, according to what he says, that's a place of annihilation, so there is nothing to come back from there. That concept is not clearly captured in the Christian theology as it is these days, but it does seem to be hinted at in the Bible.

Sep 11 at 08:53 PM

The concepts in those links are quite different than what Ray talks about...

Sep 11 at 08:49 PM

The concepts Ray talks about are present in many other religions like Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many, many others, even Hinduism and Buddhism to some extent.  What makes his exposition somewhat more unique is that he is talking from the perspective of somebody who has actually been there (at least the Land of Darkness) for a while...

See Hell - Wikipedia and many, many others, if you do some web searching.


Sep 11 at 08:34 PM

It seems to me that Ray just gently hints of another action that could land some in the Land of Darkness. When he talks about 2 individuals with the same "charge" either both positive or both "negative", if they come together "and do something" they will end up in the Land of Darkness as well.

It seems to me he talks about those who engage in sexual acts with partners of the same sex, be it males or females.  Am I off the mark here?

If I understand him right, question would be: what can one who has engaged in such actions do, to avoid ending up in the Land of Darkness? Unlike those who commit suicide, we are talking here about people who are still alive, what rectification can be done, to avoid ending in such an awful place?