April 01

Conspiracies, conspiracies

I just came over this article, I don't know much about who this guy is, but boy does he describe the exact state of mind I was in when sucked into the conspiracy vortex.

I felt something was not right, but couldn't quite pinpoint it, at the time. As he puts it, it drains your spiritual energies. When you wake up, you just realize how you wasted so much precious time, which could have been used for true spiritual growth instead...

If I helped at least one person with this, that would make me so happy:


Please my brothers and sisters, our time on earth is so short and valuable, let's spend it wisely, by growing spiritually. See the kind of questions the author poses? Are we truly growing spiritually, by feeding on this stuff? Are we growing in LOVE, PEACE, JOY, are we truly changing the world by calling people stupid and all sorts of names, because they can't see the illusive truth that only we can see?

I am posing these questions as somebody who is the least the one to throw a stone.