October 28, 2023

If money was never an issue, than what would you want. If you went into a store or a restaurant, and you look at the items for sale what do you want. What do you feel like. Don't think about whether If a meal costs $15, $20, or $30. At this point all meals start at $20 on average. Relieze by not buying what you want because of fear of the price tag, you limit your self telling the universe you don't have enough there for will never have enough. I buy what ever food I want. Obviously if you run out then you can't buy more. But you can create more abundance, and more income that can come to you. You have to put the actions in order to work towards a job or many jobs that will bring you more abundance. Education and work expirence is very important to advance. I work as a lawn Maintenance forewoman. Every year I get a raise with more expirence, I am also learning renovation in the winter, I also registered my own business name. I work toward a greater income. Also taking reiki course, I already took reiki level 1, and taking reiki level 2 course tomorrow.