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Crystals intake surrounding energies and magnify or change Energies applied to it. Crystals & Mimerals are conscience entitiesof there own and think,feel & is emotionally and energeticlly conscienceof the energy,intentions and thoughts of external frequncies and vibrations. I treat my Crystals and Stones like they are my friends. I have an intimate relationship with them and talk to them, love them and depend on them,the exact same way a human friend would interact with one another,thus electrifying my manifestingcreative mimd as well as my energy points and thouhhts and vibes. Crystals for healing the body with its geometric form & light intake can help to balance everything about an external intention or thought,it has a compatible connection to the human electromatic field thus triggering a reaction to the bodies different chakra energy points and primarily influences the nervous system and stimulates the Denver can endocrine glands. Crystals can activate portals through vibration and frequency which amplifies the chakras through our personal electromagnetic fields thus being amplified while connecting to our senses and accesses multi-dimensional fields of Consciousness,Knowledge & Wisdom. The technology of crystals takes energy input and transforms the energy into heightened energy or a different type of vibrational energy altogether. Crystals create personal energy vibrations through the different colors from invisible light you called the dick that is the most disposition to become a crystal fever they will undergo 11 to 12 years of trading and spiritual practice before they even touch a crystal in the Native American, Indian culture, they consider younger people to be gifted and train them for 11 to 12 years how to read and speak to Crystal's but they don't pick up a crystal for 11 to 12 years. They have to learn the spirituality and the technological traits of the crystal. Crystals can heal and all aspects including physical, emotional and mental, which makes crystals one of the most advanced technological devices known to current understanding of frequencies and energy. Crystals were all used in the cultures and civilizations of the mayans, the ancient chinese, in the native americans as security on front doors and gates to important buildings or areas. They would keep a stone gem or Crystal on the top of the door. To keep out any unwanted energy, frequencies or vibrations. Knowledge of how crystals truly work have been lost over the years. There still is some elders that still hold the knowledge and wisdom these ancient civilizations once held and obtained. No power please crystals can be used to utilize certain goals or intentions and one's life. It is said that crystals gems and Stones can also help strengthen, obtain, and learn new states of awareness for consciousness. One can indulge in the experience of crystals by holding them, rubbing them, entering them in a cup of water then to drink the water or Wear them as jewelry. It is said that women should wear stones on the right side of the body and Men the opposite. When using or wearing crystals we should indulge in researching what energetic properties the crystal has and what you're trying to accomplish by using the crystal, with that being said, try to match up energy from the crystal to the energy you are looking to magnify or change then connecting it to the correct chakra or where you should be wearing or placing the crystal at upon your body when healing. Crystals can also be used to help us with Lucid or vivid dreams or to magnify personal awareness or psychic gifts. Crystals can also be a simple way to ground. One that can read crystals and consciously connect to them can tell you what the crystal should be used for as far as energy properties and frequencies from the output of the crystal. The best results stem from finding crystals out in nature on your own thus giving you a more personal and authentic connection to the crystal or having it to be a true gift from somebody with the intention of helping. Buying crystals takes the energetic and frequency value away from the crystal. Think of it like slavery, crystals are conscious and feel and think through energy and frequency terms thus meaning selling them to somebody for a financial benefit is almost like running a slave Farm. LOL that's just my take on crystals and how much more meaningful it is to obtain the crystal through a more pure and loving type of way. For better results on energetic output from the crystal you are working with it is ideal to meditate, frequently communicate, and share your personality to the crystal. What can you do for the Crystal and what can the crystal do for you. Using telepathy to communicate with your Crystal is ideal to practice frequently, sleeping with the crystal also brings different perspectives to the energy output due to the fact that your mind and energy is in a different state and different dimension unconsciously rather than when you are awake consciously. For best results working with crystals trusting the crystals energy and intentions towards your energy and frequency is ideal for best results. In the Native American culture which takes back over 127,000 years and have the best memorable wisdom and information towards the spiritual connection and healing powers of crystals, in the native belief system there is the idea of everything being created has been Created from Crystal, Cherokee Indian beliefs states, that at the center of the universe there is a single crystal with then constitutes a divine connection of/from "source","God","Creator".. ect, as it is foretold the crystal is the center for the creative and manifestive reality plane. In the geometry of the Crystal connecting from every corner of the crystal is seven connecting points that reach out to seven other points and thus continuing into an infinity,unlimited amount of connection points, Think of it as being a Matrix of crystals throuhht the entire universe connected to one another and everythimg else in existence holding all information and as you know the entirety of pur universe is created on information and processing that information through it connect points all stemming from one specific epicenter and beginning. This is how you use crystalss to manifest your persnal reality. Crystals,intensions amd synchronization from one conscience to another will positively boost your intentions and physical reality. The information stored in crystals is a way to connect and manifest information, crystals comes from the One Source... and their belief is that in the center of the universe is the one single primordial Crystal thus branching off seven differnt ways and points thus creating and illuminating physical reality as well as personal current reality as well as parallel dimensional realities and parallel realities. On ending thoughts,my crystal is my A-1,Ride or die Partner and I don't ever have to impress it or be a certain way or image,because my Crystals are here to help,guide and manifest my experience, reality and life everyday. I'm sure there is much much more information and ancient orgins of crystals and the energetic properties they bring to the table. Final though being,if ancient civilizations used crystals thousands of years ago and depended on the drastically why wouldn't we take advantage is the energetic,frequncey based objects?? And how did they know that these crystals help with such mysticism and homogeneous based origins, especially when they did not have scientifically based research structures embedded within their civilizations and societies? In my opinion and in conclusion, it's because crystals are a Mystic Relic that have a universal conscience and these ancient civilizations knew this long before there was any type of scientific studies regarding vibrational frequencies and energy output. It's because they connected to these crystals and they wholeheartedly 100% depended on the energy output of the Crystal and that right there is proof enough for me that crystals are a Mystic Relic that can change and transform your life. Hope you enjoyed. Much love, much respect and all the loyalty to the purpose and cause.
-Written By & Researched by:
[2<(Caleb [1<[J]>1] Reeves)>2]
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