October 13


Dear Tikvah Duesters, 

Time is such a valuable thing that the number of hours in a day seems to be inadequate. I struggle with time management -  completing different tasks, responsibilities, daily errands, work, exercise, meditation, and so on. The list can get overwhelming…

Zen stories are infused with wisdom, giving life-changing lessons in a very simple and subtle manner. I came across the following Zen story that highlights the importance of prioritization, time management, and mindful living. 

Once in a small village nestled between lush green mountains, there lived a wise old man known for his profound wisdom. Many people from distant lands traveled to seek his counsel. 

One day, a young and impatient man arrived at the wise old man's door seeking advice. He said, “Oh, wise one, I feel overwhelmed by the tasks I have to accomplish each day. There is so much to do and time seems to slip away like grains of sand. How can I manage my time better?" 

The wise old man looked at him and smiled. He told the young man to follow him to a nearby stream. As they approached the stream the old man took a small empty jar and placed it gently in the water. The jar started to fill with water and the young man watched as it quickly reached its capacity. 

The wise old man then spoke, “You see this jar it represents the time we have in a day limited and finite when it is full it can hold no more our lives are similar we only have a limited amount of time each day and once it passes it cannot be retrieved." 

The young man nodded understanding the analogy. The wise old man continued, “Now observe this and he picked up a handful of small pebbles by the stream.” He gently started placing the pebbles one by one into the jar as he did so the water level dropped, making room for the pebbles. 

The young man was puzzled and asked, “But how is this related to managing time. If I fill my day with small tasks won't it become chaotic?” The wise old man smiled again and replied, “Not if you understand the value of the pebbles. These pebbles represent the important tasks and goals in your life, while small tasks may fill your time you must ensure that you prioritize what truly matters. When you focus on the essential you will find that your days become more purposeful and meaningful.” 

The young man grasped the lesson and reflected on his habits. He realized that he often wasted time on trivial activities and neglected the things that truly brought him joy and fulfillment. 

The wise old man concluded, “Remember time is a precious gift! Each day you have the opportunity to fill it with what you value most. Be mindful of how you spend it for once it is gone it can never be regained.” 

The young man adopted a new perspective on time. He learned to prioritize meaningful tasks, set clear goals, and appreciate the moments he had. As he transformed his approach to time, he discovered a sense of harmony and purpose that he had never experienced before.

If you struggle with time management as well, I hope this little story brings about a change in your life.