Entering in New dimensions and different information from different realities is what all drugs do.. but most specifically, hallucinogens & psychedelics.. there are actually interdimensional creatures all around us right now at this second, probably one a couple feet away from you either in 2D or 1D or above and 40 and 5D but we are surrounded by spirits, entities and beings as the ones in the lower cannot see us in the hire but as the higher ones can slip into the lower as we can slip into the lower and choose to move into the higher.. psychedelics will get you there instantaneously. But it's definitely possible to do all this stuff naturally.. if you learn it. I've taught myself how to move through different realities and dimensions in my meditations, I've connected with the akasha records and felt and seen sone very crazy things in these deep emotional intricate meditations.. this is what they don't want! But you don't need psychedelics to do what psychedelics do for you. We are interdimensional beings and can learn to do this because we already know how. ❤️⁹9⁹9⁹9⁹❤️