April 20, 2024

Greetings community!!
This is my first post here and I would like to share a little about myself and that I just finished reading the first portion of Rays of Light! and I am now starting TRANS(c)EDUCING... tonight because it is my goal to finally finish and be up-to-date with everything that has been published publicly thus far this weekend.

I would also like to take this time to introduce myself and as you can see from my profile picture that I am being fully transparent with name and who I am on this app. I first discovered Jason's videos last winter and at the time I had been learning about Alchemy, Hermetic Mysticism and Kabbalah for a little over a year. During the Holidays though, I decided that I would for the first time, try reading the Bible. For me, this is very out of character but with all the things I was learning, I wanted to know more about Egypt and that time period plus it  aligned with the other stuff I was learning. 

I was also starting to learn Hebrew through Kabbalah and I now have the goal of learning it because of Rays of Light. I am still new to this app but if there is anyone else trying to learn Hebrew at the moment as well as reading Rays of Light and would like to discuss those things, feel free to get in touch with me ❤️

My partner and I are currently in the process of building a yurt out in the country side and we plan on using it as a community space for meditation and yoga as well as making herbal spagyic medicines using the medieval techniques of the alchemical process. For one, I want to live my life closer to nature and two, I also want to give back to my community in a healthy and healing manner. 

Being the always busy always learning something or starting some new project type of person that I am, I recently enrolled in a Hermetic Mystery School of Magick in Germany called IMOBOLC and in doing so, they gave me this image to meditate upon. I would also like to share this image with all of you to meditate upon. Thanks for reading
