January 25

Hello everyone I would like to also share something with you that I have experienced hoping that somebody could enlighten me on cause it has left my mind at a Wonder. It all happened after the passing of granny overba decade ago that i was very close to she was my every thing my best friend so I took it very hard and I was devastated. I had a couple of dreams that started the same and ended at the same time and on the same time line they both were exaxt to a T what we said , what we were doing , everything was exactly the same the only thing different is what caused the dream to end these dreams have been years apart in speaking I would like to share with you the dreams in hope that someone can enlighten me in this matter cause even to this day my mind is at a wonder. Am I not ready to hear is something blocking it if so what how can I prepare myself to recieve?

The first time I had the dream it started off me and my granny were sitting on the kitchen floor Indian style playing Jacks I believe that's what it's called the game where you bounced the ball and you grab the little metal pieces off the floor who ever gets the most wins. anyways so it started off with being my grannys turn she bounced the ball grabbed some jacks then while she was passing the ball to me and as i bounced the ball to grab my jacks my granny said to me " I have something that I needs to tell you" and then I was woken up by my mother I was pretty upset but was able to be accepting of it until years later I was in a homeless shelter where I be friended a female friend who later became a lover of 7 years of my life In which when we first meet I told her about my dream experience and about my granny but to this day can't even remember how the conversation came about.that being said and done it just so happens that one day we are at the park remind you this is a park that we went to on a daily as well as other people their kids family it was like our hangout spot this one day and speaking it was somebody's birthday we all pitched in got some meat use the barbecue pits there and had a cookout birthday celebration I got fool and sleepy so I decided to go take my blanket and throw it out on the lawn. The dream was backit was exact from the first only thing is this time I was woken up by being soaked by a sprinkler system oh boy let me tell u how made I was I was cussing and fussing fighting the air all eyes on me at that moment as my friend / lover came running to to find out what was going on . as i told her i had the dream again as I'm still in awww as to why I never knew or seen that there were sprinklers in the park that we spent numerous hours at each day . so I've been thinking mabey I'm not ready for what she has time tell me and been waiting now almost a decade later wondering if and when I might have the 3 red dream and is it going to revel to me what she has been wanting to tell me .

I miss you granny so so much I've been lost with out you yet I've came a long way and still got a lot to learn. I hope to make you proud of me one day please come back to me in the dream even if it a not to revel what it is that you wanted to tell me I just want to see u again
Love always JD