Jenn!@## H@!#$

Arlington, TX, United States

Commented on The Time Is Now

Feb 11 at 11:23 PM

TheThe government should be ashamed of their self this is not the first nor the last if you look back at your history back even to the days of the black plague swine flu name it the government this is all fake this is all media they are the one producing this they are brainwashing us to believe it's ridiculous I've always felt that way because when I grew up I was high risk and was always given a flu and ammonia shot I quit taking the flu and pneumonia shot once I become became old enough to make my own decision and I never did contract or get them ammonia or flu again which I was hospitalized every year for even had double walking pneumonia and almost died every year I was sick when I was vaccinated have not been sick any time after

Commented on The Time Is Now

Feb 11 at 11:21 PM

I totally agree 100% my husband begun his vaccinations with covid and ended up getting covid me laying next to him every night being around him I never contracted covid at all I was a social worker working for a home health agencies and even my patient had contracted covid and ended up hospitalized and I once again never contracted it then my patient push me after her getting out the hospital this scared her that if I was not to get vaccinated that she would let me go and I needed the income so I took the first shot of covid after I took the first shot of covin I ended up getting the mutant strain of covid it attacked my sciatic nerve then my upper respiratory for 2 weeks I thought I was going to die I have not taking any other shot after my kids have not taken that one shot which I did not require them to because I have my own belief about all vaccinations and my mother as well has not been vaccinated and none have contracted and been around people that have been positive for covid

Why don't I have access to videos I Di's before

Commented on 😱TRUTH😱

Jan 26 at 02:27 PM

I feel all this so what does it mean good thing or bad

Jan 26 at 05:16 AM

let me just say this to you being on the covid topic everyone has there  own beliefs and prespevtive about the shots. me personaly i feel sometype of way about all of them flu, pneumonia even required shots to attent school . you see ive been high risk all my llife so i got flu and pneumonia every year and and got sick with both and hospitalized every year when i didnt take them one year i didnt get sick so haven't taken since then and as far as covid my husband that i lay cuddled up with had covid the firsy round i never got it even with me having a auto immune disease  with a weak immunity same thing as to patient had covid and i tested negative with her as well  she was hospitalized so i guess scared her and she told me if i didnt get my shots that i couldnt work with so i got the first shot and soon after caught the mutant strad and dang near died 

Commented on SAY THAT!!!!! 💯

Jan 26 at 05:01 AM



Jan 26 at 04:57 AM

Akhi of course we can, ive over came a whole lot my self and will over come more in time its just at times i get discouraged or the fact that so many things are hitting me at the same time. im also a firm believer in the motto that we have to go threw things to become stronger and the stronger u get the wiser you willl be. he will never put more on us than we can bear.


Jan 25 at 11:18 AM

I can but can't imagine what you experienced and not sure wharf war and who's side you were in which disebt really matter what matters is that you served your country what ever it may be u risked your life thank you for what you did

Jan 25 at 11:08 AM

Charity Hawk got me in tears I'm a cry baby today for snow reason woke up shortly after was crying and now again to for such words OK kindness and the same to you my ears are always open for anyone sometimes thats all some one needs is someone to talk to


Jan 25 at 11:04 AM

Never know but I'm sure it will surface one day for us all