January 09

Hello my name is Frankei,
I have spent a lot of the last year diving deep into world religions and texts. I was elated to see that the research I did tied to the pyramid code and the ray of light I am reading. Especially with frequency. Unfortunately I jumped off the society norms my whole life. I have been vegan for 8 years, I have been into "conspiracies" since I was a young teen and have had no income for 2 years since I left the rat race to find myself. I believe we are not meant to work for money. I do not believe in money and material objects I rather be homeless and free. With that being said I would still love to be enlightened further. I have seen things I cannot explain even though I was skeptical at first to the spiritual realms. I now am an open vessel open to further guidance. I feel I live in pain daily from not understanding fully the world around me. The violence the hatred...the greed. Earth has never felt like home because of this.

1. What readings can you suggest to learn more about what I would need to unlock more truths? Anything that we can do to learn more on unlocking our codes and how to raise our dimensions? (Currently listening to solfeggio frequencies is that even the divine frequencies?)
2. Is there any in person groups forming anywhere to lead this movement forward?
3. Is there truth behind the Book of Law by Aleister Crowley? Did the Egyptian gods really reveal truths to him? I do not agree with some of his work, but the idea of the will and looking inside to find the truth seems plausible steps towards insightful enlightment.

I have more questions, but not to overwhelm.
Thank you for this valuable feedback. I appreciate you all immensely.