June 02

Hey, guys!
This is my first post on this platform, and I just felt drawn to share my journey to connect with like-minded individuals. From a very young age(2-3), my mom has always told me that I used to talk about "imaginary" friends. Specifically, a blue being with wings who lived in our walls. But this friend would give me advice that most 2 year Olds can't understand, such as "don't touch that, it's hot." Or "don't stand close to the hillside, you'll fall." Eventually I lost that touch. I have always had a very big interest in horoscopes and birthdays. Eventually, about 5 years ago, I discovered deeper parts of astrology, such as birth charts, current planetary function and all the deeper meanings. Everyone around me is pretty heavily Christian faith, most identifying with "Old Regular Baptism" but I have never been able to grasp that type of portrayal of God. I spend a lot of time on YouTube, searching for deeper meanings, both scientifically and spiritually. This is where I discovered the Law of One and Aaron Abke's teachings. Through related content, I found the disclosure series and the Pyramid Code. This is where I really felt a lot of things resonate with me, but I'm still not sure how. It's like a memory that I cannot reach yet. I follow Jason Shurka closely through this platform and YouTube now. My goal is to work on past life regression work, because I truly believe that to understand my souls path towards the future, I must understand where it comes from and has already experienced. I am open to any suggestions, teachings, or helpful tips. I just want to help myself and everyone else evolve into a better place than the war, hate, and negativity that is widespread today.