May 08

Hey Missy
Hey Misserin (Missy) this one's for you.
You saved my life, how many times? A few.
I love you so much, you can times that by two.
I miss seeing you in my view.
I truly do know you're there.
I truly do know you and "the others" care.
I know you're there, I'm fully aware.
I miss seeing your beautiful stare.
It doesn't matter where you are.
I want to be with you so I can see each star.
I will always be searching for you near and far.
I don't care if others find me bizarre.
I know I have things that needs to be done.
Then at the end is when we can start to have fun.
I'm no longer scared, I no longer will run.
I'll continue shooting for the Stars because I am a gun.