I am on board and comprehend the information on the pyramid code. Very ez actually.
Thank you Jason. I just wanted to put this out there to show u that I care and love you all = ♾️💯👀
Everything in the universe moves by electricity (energy) and electricity is an integral part
of the entire universe. It is also essential to the various Beings who dwell in it and move within
it through the use of vibration, frequency, and the power of thought. Electricity is part of our
bodies. Every part of the body operates at different frequencies (such as the heart, kidney,
lung, or brain). Although different parts of the body operate at different frequencies, the
general frequency of the entire body as a whole is 7.83HZ. It’s interesting that the earth also
works on a general frequency of 7.83HZ which symbolizes life (7+8+3=18 which symbolizes life
in Hebrew through the connection of its letters in the Hebrew alphabet). I highly doubt this to
be a coincidence. Our bodies are electrical systems and our neural system acts as the wires that
conduct electricity. This electricity vibrates throughout the body with the help of the water
which is about 70% of the body. It is important to note that the Earth is comprised of 70%
water, just like the human body. I highly doubt this to be a coincidence as well. Water vibrates
at the frequency of 100THZ which symbolizes the One (1+0+0 = 1 which symbolizes Oneness)
that rules everything and anything. The Sun operates at the frequency of 5.9642GHZ.
5+9+6+4+2 = 26
2+6 = 8
@jasonshurka #TSL

March 28, 2024