I challenge TLS & Unifyd to hop in there anti-gravitical spaceships and fly out into space and take a picture of Earth after you completely leave our atmosphere and post it on this platform for everyone to see.. can you do that? Can you really do that? Will you really do that? I love all of you and I support all of you but 100% truth and honesty is what the people of humanity deserve.. so I have heard in different episodes on this platform that TLS has a spacecraft which is actually hidden in plain sight but invisible which Jason has seen so there shouldn't be a problem for TLS to hop in their spaceship and ride out into space and take a picture of our globe of an earth.. I think that would put to rest either the globe theory or the flat Earth theory..I want you to bypass the government and NASA's pictures and take your own and share it with the masses so you can help humanity know our human orgins 100%. What are reality is why wouldn't you do it? If I had a damn anti-gravitical spacecraft I would have done it a long time ago.. so are you guys traveling to different parallel realities or are you actually traveling to different worlds? But I still challenge the organization to go take a picture of our globe of an earth and share with everybody. I feel like that would help humanity tremendously. ⁹⁹⁹