August 01, 2024

I don’t know what to post today as there is so much going on. When it’s happening I know it’s real but afterwards when I think about it, I feel like I’m just making it up and if I tell anyone they are not going to believe me. Which has been the case for the past 4 years. I feel like my whole home town has been over run by these people and there is barely anyone left, they are mostly all clones? I look back on photos of the people I know and can tell they have changed. I’ve tested this out in the past by asking people a question about the past and they have not been able to answer correctly. I’m sure the local bus service is being used to transport children in secret, I have in the past heard a child asking for help. I have made the bus driver pull over on quite a few occasions and I checked under the bus but couldn’t find anyone nor did I hear them again. There was one time when not only me but other people heard a banging sound coming from under the bus. I think they are using something to put them to sleep while they are transporting them and each time they wake up they are somehow able to put them to sleep again. It does seem like some of the bus drivers are not happy with what is happening but they are obviously told to keep quiet about it. I have an anxiety attack each time I have to go on the bus but it’s my only means of getting any where.