March 28, 2024
โ€ข Edited (Mar 28, 2024)

I would label in consider myself and omniest. I have studied buddhism,christianity,Judaism as well as Hinduism. They've all surprisingly suggested and said the same thing. Love is the most powerful force in our reality. Everything is connected & energy never dies but just simply changes forms. Everything's connected, everything's one. Most of these religions suggest flat earth theory or that we were put here and this reality was created for us as we were made in our creators want my opnion..? (I think there's a scientist looming over a little petri dish right now, at this very moment, studying and learning from us.) Everything is information. So, does that suggest we are in a simulation?? All of the information,which is brought out by our experiences, is being sent bck 2 (Source) or (God) almost as if our reality is some type of "wifi" network and (our spirits, bodies and minds are the servers sending information back to the hardrive, where it is stored and kept in a filing cabinet ( the akashic records ). Religion separates. Love Unifies! Everything is connected.. the purpose of our reality is to learn how to love unconditionally all day and at all times and to send information (experience) back to (source) the hard drive which is then stored in the all knowing and all seeing filing cabinet..(akashic records)
And ypu have to think.. everything is made up of frequencies and energy which in turn is basically a bunch of different numbers which also sounds like a computer program and coding at its best. Our reality is not what the cabal has led us to believe. Now is this just an opinionated point of view in perspective.? Maybe to you but to me it's Stone Cold facts about our reality. It's not what we've been led to believe whatsoever.. but believe what you want because it's your experience and your life. Your story is your story and mine is mine. Whatever empowers, and makes sense to you and liberates you is all that matters but we have been thrown so far off what reality truly is we can never really say we know 100% facts that one belief overseeds the other and what the cabal has do e is create an abundant amount of confusion and disinformation that keeps us from figuring out who and what we are and what, as humans, we are actually capable of doing and being. It was a disinformation tactic that started centuries ago. โ™ฅ๏ธŽโนโนโนโ™ฅ๏ธŽ