October 02, 2024

I'm in that stat of I'm not good enough but know I can be better but time is not on my side and she deserves her dreams and more now, I don't know what to do, lost in the moment and stuck by not wanting to seem desperate and don't want to give her the impression that I'm not interested, but yesterday I manifested what I wanted my partner to be, to love the sciences the music, looks, soul. She is soooooo perfect. Omg omg omg what to do I don't want to fuck it up, she literally likes everything I poor my heart into, and her voice made me tear up, love at first sight is real when you told the cosmos what ì wanted.... idk what to do I don't want to turndown what the universe placed in front of me and I don't want to seem desperate, should I wait and see if she msg me or what. I'm rusty at this I've been out the dating life for 7 years and just focused on my hobby of music HEELLPP LOL😭🤣😔🥺💯💍