In 2014 scientists discovered that there is a body of water more than all the oceans combined which is contained between a mineral layer 400 Mi below the Earths surface. The scientists drilled down 8 Miles and had to stop due to the heat. To the core of the earth it is about 4000 miles. So they really didn't even scratch the surface. We have not drilled down or been to the middle of the Earth so honestly everything is just a theory but I have an open mind enough to think that the Earth could be Hollow and honestly who knows and who is to say what is and what isnt? We don't know what we don't know! Within Buddhism, there is stories of a place called Agartha which means Earth inside of earth. The Buddhism beliefs state that there is an advanced race that inhabits the grounds below us. A Well respected Mathematicians and scientists have long predicted and came up with different theories that of being that Earth is actually Hollow. Which is known today as the Hollow Earth Theory. In 18th century mathematician named Leonhard Euler put together his very own Hollow Earth Theory which consisted of no concentric shells while at the middle being a Sun speculated to be about 600 miles in diameter..Euler was a very gifted mathematician and would be considered a genius of his time. Bueller had developed his own belief and ideals about what is inside of our Earth and saying that it is not only Hollow but at the polls they are actually thinned and at these points there is openings Within the Earth that lead to the inner core at the both the North and South Poles and went on to state that there was most likely civilizations living within our planet deep down within the Earth under our feet. In 1947 Admiral Richard Byrd which was well known for flying reconnaissance missions through the North Pole he jotted down within his diary about a very mysterious and alien land beyond the North Pole which he referred to as the center of the GREAT UNKNOWN and recorded on his flight that there were lush green areas and even what looked to be a woolly mammoth which would have been died out over a thousand years ago. It is said that on one of Admiral Byrds first Expeditions he led that one of their first discoveries was actually an entrance into the Earth and was populated by a civilization that is very advanced in technology and referred to a type of aircraft that could fly from pole to pole within a couple hours and when he got back to the US he was brought into Washington where he was questioned about the claims that he had made and was warned and told to not talk about the discoveries he had made public and to stop talking about it. Hence all of the celebrities and famous people within the world have been making random trips to Antarctica with no known purpose or explanation but they do post photos, and you can look this up and do your own research, for arriving at Antarctica for no reason or no explanation. The well known. The credible and respected researcher,and reporter,Linda Moulton Howe has went as far to make such claims that there were a number of scientists that had set out on an expedition and we're supposed to be back within a three-day period and we're supposed to keep in contact and to keep open communication with the rest of the team but went missing and did not reappear until 2 weeks after they had left. Linda goes on to explain that once the scientists were saved and rescued there was a witness on the plane and the witness stated that it looked like they had seen something crazy and were drained out of their energy and just really out of their element like something had happened to them. Speculations state that they possibly could have went in one of these openings in the Earth and seen these civilizations and cities that are beneath our feet today. And Antarctica there is also a no-fly zone that no planes can fly through and within the context of that,there was a situation with a pilot and there was an emergency and he had to fly through the no-fly zone and states that once he flew over the hole he could see down in it and it was a big mysterious opening. There's a story and legend within the Hopi Indian Civilization that goes back a very long time and in there story they have written in their ancient history says that there were Ant People that guided with a craft to a hole in the Earth and had them stay underground because there was a cataclysmic event taking place on the surface and the Ant People sheltered this Indian Tribe until the cataclysm was over. They even wore antennas on their head during ceremonies and rituals. I mean come on folks you can't make this stuff up! Anything is possible and we don't know,what we don't know. Right!?!Between the facet of unlimited parallel realities and multiverses and from the little that we do know,ive come to a sensual conclusion anything and EVERYTHING is possible because we are infants in our Evolution and Consciousness as a spiritual being. Buy we are moving forward in a collective way. All I'm saying is that literally Anything is Possible!!!