September 15, 2023

I've been following Jason from the beginning and I just finished the Pyramid Code Part 1 video...Ends in quite the cliffhanger...Can't wait til Part 2 comes out! Love the history of how they built the pyramids and the story of how Jason was Ray's High Priest back in the day and Jason has no recollection of that incarnation and he was a power house priest back then...Not fair that we forget all that stuff when we reincarnate...I'm sure someone will show Jason how to connect to the 5th dimension and get some recall for us and special powers back that he had in the early days...Can NOT wait to hear Ray start naming names! And, Jason if your reading let's get Ray's take on Q and the Plan and the Drops and the NCSWIC and the indictments and Gitmo and so on...This battle for America isn't over and Trump isn't "out" and the people behind him are not stopping...This PLAN has been in the works for years let's see what he thinks about it and go from there! JVBanon