Joe Boffo

Huntington, WV, United States

Apr 25 at 11:06 AM

I once heard that Hitler had teams of people looking for these staffs...Now I know why! One has EMP and the other EMLP...It all makes sense now! Also, am I right in thinking that these staffs were hidden with the Arc of the Covenant 150 feet under the Dome of the Rock as well? I think so! This should be interesteing to watch Jason go and retrieve them and announce this tech to the World! Wowza! JVB

Wow! What a clear communicator he is! Best explanation of where we come from IMO and consistent with Sitchin's work and the Annunaki who "from the heavens " came here some 432,000 years ago and our Sasquatch brothers and how they evolved alongside us...Now, somebody explain Dogman to me and I'm good! LOL! No! Seriously! JVBanon

Oct 27 at 08:51 PM

TyThanks Ty I appreciate that I will check her out...Can I say her here LOL ty!


Oct 27 at 08:49 PM

Speaking of Ray's "style" I am concerned about it really...Remember where he revealed that he befriended Evalyn Rothschild I think it was and he'll never find out and he'll never know who it was...Trying to cause him to "go easy" on this next round of genocide or covid strain or whatever it was....Well Ray talks A LOT with his hands and even if his face is blacked out and he has a hoodie and gloves on I could definitely pick him out of a lineup of people talking (with their hands) and identify him just on his hand motions alone...Dead giveaway and if I can think of that then so can the Rothschilds...Be careful Ray...Don't use your hands at all anymore ;)

Oct 24 at 03:20 PM

I have a point to make and don't know where to make it so I'm putting it here LOL! Ray and Jason are talking about dinosaurs and the numbers 6000 years old and 4000 years old about the age of the Earth and even in the Q & A about Part 2 Jason talks about Anunnaki and 4000 years ago...My research studying the books of Zecharia Sitchin he says the Annunaki came to Earth around 432,000 years ago so let's start talking about ancient Sumar and the scrolls and clay tablets if we're going to talk about Enki and Enlil and so on....Not 4000 years ago...Way before the Old Testament dates :} just sayin...Thanks, JVBanon

I don't know this should all be available...They keep updating the site not sure where to look for everything exactly? Maybe Jason will see this and answer for you? Good questions, thanks!


Oh and one more thing...Ray slipped out that he knew Jesus in another past life...Don't think that I missed that LOL! Ray will need to come forward with who he was then and what Jesus was like...Ray doesn't want to rain on any Christians parades I can sense that...But we need to know...We are all Sons of God I get that and so was Jesus...I don't care if he married Mary Magdaline or had kids with her I'm POSITIVE the Vatican manipulated the "Jesus narrative" just like they do today...Some truth and then bastardize it to suit your needs...So I'm not going to be surprised...The Truth needs to come out somewhere....Might as well be here! Do it Jason! JVBanon


Sep 15 at 03:48 PM

I've been following Jason from the beginning and I just finished the Pyramid Code Part 1 video...Ends in quite the cliffhanger...Can't wait til Part 2 comes out! Love the history of how they built the pyramids and the story of how Jason was Ray's High Priest back in the day and Jason has no recollection of that incarnation and he was a power house priest back then...Not fair that we forget all that stuff when we reincarnate...I'm sure someone will show Jason how to connect to the 5th dimension and get some recall for us and special powers back that he had in the early days...Can NOT wait to hear Ray start naming names! And, Jason if your reading let's get Ray's take on Q and the Plan and the Drops and the NCSWIC and the indictments and Gitmo and so on...This battle for America isn't over and Trump isn't "out" and the people behind him are not stopping...This PLAN has been in the works for years let's see what he thinks about it and go from there! JVBanon