November 13, 2024

Jon West original OTT
Title: Hello Friend
Hello to each and every friend.
Once you're my friend, you're my friend to the end.
That is not something you can break or bend.
I too also have a message to send.
For a little while I've been taken away.
No longer am I covered in venomous spray.
You are all the ones with whom I want to play.
I'm sending love and light in the form of a sunray.
So many out there try to keep me down.
Making me look like the town clown.
I am a verb and they are nothing but a noun.
I now wear a smile and no longer a frown.
It is true, I possess my power of 3 👁️
Given by God, his Ghost. and son JC.
What it means is the eye of my mind can see.
Through it is how I am totally free.
I am told that I need to share.
I also share to make others aware.
Why I do this is because I care.
Pay no mind to those who glare.
Not much truth comes from my past.
One thing's for certain, only the truth will last.
My words are my bullets, and they come real fast.
The future is coming, and it's very vast.
I love you all no matter who you are.
Even if you are a reason why I bear a scar.
No need to point, you know who you are.
I do not lie, and I am bizarre.