September 10

Kinda of funny the other day on here i posted on here i chose plane a and a few hours ago on fb they posted if plane a dont work there’s 25 other letters in the alphabet is so over us they dont know how to hide things hey im still on plane a after 24 years they on like w or x there’s a song by 4 non blonds it say 25 years trying to make it up this grunt big hill and the meat puppets lake of fire goes same again till the 4th of July that day in the USA is the 5th in nz ny birth and crosb still and natch has a song that says standing on a grave of some one who dived in 1799 and the day he died was a birthday and I nocited it was mine and sort of gos on about escaping the chrich so do we only have to make it to the 4th or 5 th of July next year Independence Day