July 19

Like i said yesterday if we all put $1 a week into a fund we got a lot of money and if it's classlsd as a lone it's tax free and you can get it back once you start to get the money start slowly but start with a insurance company and after say 40 years you can claim your money back minece claims and the money from the insurance Can be used for cheap lones and if you don't get to big to fast the other company have most of the risk and build like TV company put them in poorer countries you get cheaper labour but can pay them well and there profit can go to them in food and if we are buying lots of food we can ask for bigger discount and when other companys closlaps we can buy them for just land and building for fuck all rehire the workers and get bigger and bigger and everything could be sold 25% cheaper and still make heaps of profit as we are the sheer holder's the profits are returned to us in lower prices