October 22, 2023

If I want to reach The Light System or join their organization, or even go through the proper training that they might have to prepare someone to change this world how does one do that. Or is it that someone has to be chosen. I have started reading the book the pyramid code. I honestly feel like the aliens are more my family then my own human family or any human for that matter. At least the dumb sleeping humans that refuse to see the dysfunctional society that we live in. I am not afraid of speaking the truth of who we really are. What ever knowledge comes through me is for everyone to know. Neither am I afraid of dieing. My soul will just come back again. How many starseeds or lightworkers are here to wake people up from the dream they think is real. All the things I love and what my personality and interests are, makes me think my soul was originally from another planet, or higher dimension or density. I never fit in with other people. I always felt homesick as a kid. Even if people don't understand and make fun calling anyone crazy. I always believed magick, Aliens, psychic powers, energy healing, and other stuff like that were real. I have an inner knowing. I don't have to be convinced of anything. I want to become my true soul/spirit self in the flesh. I know this saying as above so below as within so without. Everything is a refection of the one creation in many mirrors. We are Light reflecting our self in others. What you recognize in others is what's in you. You can change what you see. We are not solid. We are energy that can change. The refection how we see each other can change. I think the most important thing is changing our selves first through knowledge. Knowledge is power. Even if the codes are not made public, those people that are ready for that knowledge will still be given that knowledge through their mind or through channeling. All information is out there for anyone that is awake enough, energetically open enough, raised their frequency enough to flow that frequency into them. Everything is energy frequency. You can't hide something when it's not yours to hide. It belongs to the whole universe. It's time for everyone to wake up now. Better now then later, later all humanity will get a blow to the head with data they don't understand. It takes time to process any kind of information into understanding. I know I am meant to play a huge part in helping others awaken. Everything I am going through now is to prepare me for what's to come. If your going through something there is a reason for it. I want to be seen and known. It's not healthy to be living in fear. Why was one long time ago able to reach 900 year life span and now people can't. I think we can live long lives again, but things have to change. For one humany forgot all the lessons they learned in their past lives. They forgot who they are. People are weak. I have more balls, more courage, more strength, more determination then most men. I even felt the pain of child birth two times and had everything taken away from me. My life is a constant battle against my own family. Why because the evil has taken root from within families. My aunt has full custody of my children and won't let me see them or have them back. Portraying me as mentally retarded and a danger. When she is the danger believing the system to be normal. I have great love in my heart. I have powers I feel it. Forces that want to stop me from connecting to the love in my soul do that by trying to brake my heart through my family. I will never hate anyone. I love and forgive all even those that have hurt me. God/spirit/the force/ universe/ one creator/ the light shines bright that I am that I flow within this human expirence. Nothing can brake me, the love and power within only grows the more I feel within. Deeply I feel, I am connected to the field of energy like many others are. Stop looking outside your self. Feel what's inside. All you need to know is alreadying flowing into you. You can learn from others, use other people teachings as a reminder what you already know on a soul level. Everything in your life triggers you to remember. I don't think we were born not remembering. We forgot as we grew up into an adult, what we knew wasn't excepted by family or society. Being programmed our natural abilities to perceive the world was lost.