December 18, 2023


I’m from British Columbia Canada, I have the time to download the current affairs of the world. I’m not angry, I wouldn’t be awake and in a place where I try to live lovingly. I have not led a perfect life. I have battled being overstimulated and an undiagnosed neurodivergent.
I truly believe, we need to start meetings… just get together and show factual evidence of the current affairs going on. Have discussions about how we can be disruptors in a positive and loving way. If everyone pitched in two years towards helping the less fortunate, housing and feeding, while admitting there’s free energy that Tesla found. We could CHANGE THE WORLD. It takes small steps, what can we do to make change?
Let’s stop monetizing our basic needs like food, water, and heat. Give everyone absolute freedom of speech. If you don’t like my “X” post. Block me. Let’s love our friends and foe, we have the power inside each one of us.
DON’T LET YOUR “BRAIN” CONTROL YOUR “MIND”. I can define my associations to brain vs mind upon request.
Thank you all, for saving children, and creating this safe space to learn internally and externally. Bless