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December 08, 2023
β€’ Edited (Dec 08, 2023)

Quick rundown on an insiders information and that also works with The Grey ET species on an up close and personal level,The Grey ET species operates within a hierarchy type system,and they are in a way,a warrior type species,but have mastered the illusion of time and have reached a level 7 consciousness within there civilzation,they are a multi dimensional species and can travel through different dimensions. Within their species and history they saught logic and knowledge and it destroyed their planet and their natural ecosystem and were forced to go underground and over time they had to start cloning themselves and manipulating their DNA to be accustomed to the underground life they had forced upon themselves from not practicing a spiritual and nature connected type evolution. They actually came from a previous version of the Universe. When thinking about the Triad formula of an entity or being they are synthetic and artificial within their physical body and they did away with the biological part of the Triad which in turn brought advantages but is not natural and has a lot of issues and basically they have fiber opted material bodies that are kind of like puppets and they are connected to a Consciousness and master line within their society and community where there is one top ET that gives down all of the information and they operate on an authoritarian system where they are free to experience & take part in any reality or experience they want to and when it comes to their system of money they actually do missions and with completed missions they partake in they earn credits and by earning credits they have the capability of buying better and more advanced technology in order to do bigger and more complex missions which in turn then will bring them more credits. In my opinion, it's almost like they run their system off of experiences and they are directed towards trying to bring experiences and a successful balanced Evolution to the Universe and to their species. That is their ultimate goal. All in all,they are free to move around and take breaks from their missions and experience music or something that a human or other being somewhere else would experience. The credits are very important in the Grey system though. This Is How They purchase technology and other technology in order to do bigger and more missions that would bring them higher credit status. The top dog ET Grey that calls the shots at the top is the Grey that has the most credits and has the most experiences within their system. Everything comes down from that one ET. Also whenever they lose a body or their body gets broken they will use the credits they have earned to buy a new body which then they download their Consciousness and experiences into that new shell. Whenever a soul gets extracted from the physical body of the being it gets extracted back to the Grey headquarters and then they can use the credit system in order to purchase a new body. An example of a mapped out Mission would look something like this, a planet they are studying could possibly have a very high potential for evolution that is stable for a timeline and by intervening without taking away the Free Will of the situation or beings they will infiltrate that planet or beings in the timeline and reality,their main benefit from these expierences and missions is to bring more light,posiitivityand a sense of neutrality to their race and evolution. It's all about expierenceing and gaining new knolwedge of the way a society is moving through there persoanl and collective evolution. That is the Baseline type of missions that they partake in. One of the big questions is what their agenda is? Their agenda is to bring stability and growth in a positive direction or a neutral Direction to the Universe and to try and stop the destruction process of the universe and how it works because in the midst of the destruction sequence a lot of information is lost from the Universe's consciousness. So they are working to try to come with a better and more stable Universe which in turn brings more expiemece to the Universe all together.. They use hieroglyphics to communicate. They do have a tablet like structure,looking mechanism, that is basically like a translation technology where they can put in their hieroglyphics on one portion of the tablet and on the bottom portion it will break down into whatever language you are speaking or can interpret. Some of the hieroglyphic they shared consisted and relating to our word "synthesization" which means taking a part of something and putting it into another or taking a piece and putting it into a whole. They will extract different memories or information from the planetary Collective Consciousness and will extract certain individuals and place them within a differential reality in order to succeed on meeting their agenda for their evolutionary path as a species and evolution as a whole..while still benefiting from it for their own species. A lot of the abduction situations as you have heard BASHAR call it,"A TEMPORARY DETAINMENT!!" πŸ˜‚they have been extracting our DNA for hundreds if years to fix a kink wothin there evolutionary timeline as you know humans are VERY diverse within our Evolutionary structure with all the different seasons and tempatures and species..which makes a prime candidate to use our DNA!! We are alot more special and valuable then we have been led to believe my friends!! They then created a hybrid species from our DNA and their DNA which is 50% spirit and 50% logic, tbis was the main purpose for all of their abductions within the last hundred years was to fix their timeline and fix their species because they had destroyed their Planet so much that they could not live on it anymore and from cloning and altering their DNA they lost the reality and experience of emotion, nature and spirituality with also evolving to the point where the natual reproduction was evolved out of there evoulatinary path so they abducted and extracted DNA and fetuses from humans over the past 100 years and now there is a new species that is a half hybrid Grey/ Human. People sometimes think they are evil and while the CIA and Other powers also mentioning pop culture as well which control the media have painted a false vivid picture of the Grey species to be a malevolent intentional species with a malevolent intentional agenda but in reality they are a BENEVOLENT race that is just looking to fix their timeline and the Damage they have caused to their civilization and anatomy of the humanoid triad. They do not understand our reality how we understand it,they mean NO HARM and they are trying to learn how to understand our reality so they have actually made deals and arrangements with a person's higher self whether that be 1,000 years in the future, or something like that, but they do get a permission slip from a person's higher self before they abduct them and extract their DNA and use them to benefit their evolution for their species. They just don't understand that standing in a dark room over somebody's bed taking control of their mind and thoughts is overwhelmingly terrifying and scary as hell LOL but they mean no harm, they just want to create a homogeneous and stable universe and they are not malevolent and do not mean to bring any harm to anybody. All in all, aliens are real and the Greys are here, not to hurt us, but to help us and to grow with us. It's time that we let them in and allow them access to our Evolution and timeline and acknowledge their presence and existence in then world COLLECTIVELY!! They are here and they have been here for a very long time and there's no denying that. Now let's figure out how to move forward and what that might look like for our future. One thing I have learned from personal experience is that in order to communicate with these beings you must first be on a certain and higher frequency and vibration in order to communicate and be around them. It's a whole different ball game people. Trust me when I say that. And that is why we have to upgrade our frequency, vibrations and Consciousness individually which in turn effects the collective. Love, light & PEACE to all!!